• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • As soon as my autocorrect is contaminated with spelling errors I’m doomed. For some reason when spelling a word wrong just twice or thrice it’s automatically added to the dictionary which is so stupid. So in reality it’s not me spelling it wrong because I’m ignorant, it’s because autocorrect does not actually correct me when I need it and it’s teaching me back my own mistakes. I have the same issue with the word “very” that I spell “verry” because it got into the dictionary once and I never knew it was wrong until much later and I had alread learned the muscle memory. Who was supposed to teach me anyway at this point. I’m far past school.

  • RaidZ er nu fantastisk.
    Og et praktisk setup er med en SSD cache til at forbedre skrive hastigheden men også læsehastighed for de mest brugte filer. Se billede herunder, med 6 HDD har du op til 4x læsehastighed

    At bruge HDD er helt normalt i sådan et setup da flaskehalsen alligevel altid vil være din internetforbindelse. Selv med 1000Mbit kan du med blot en enkelt HDD udnytte hele hastigheden.

    [Seagate ironwolf] Higher capacity drives deliver up to 7,200 RPM spin speed along with sustained data rates up to 180 MB/s and burst data rates of 6 Gb/s.

    180MB/s = 1440 Mb/s

  • Nu aner jeg ikke hvad det koster at købe terabytes hos en hosting service, men en stak HDD’s koster ikke alverden i dag, 12TB for ~2000kr, 6 stk med zfs vil give ca 48 TB brugbar plads med mulighed for at midste op til 2 HDDs. Med ca 100GB om måneden vil det tage pænt lang tid at fylde op. Det var blot et eksempel, men det kan jo sagtens gøres billigere. Er det overhovedet en løsning at selvhoste det eller er det at helt urealistisk. Vil godt være med til at sponsorere noget hardware, men det skal jo selvfølgelig give mening. Man kan sikkert også købe pænt meget plads for de samme penge, men som først sagt så aner jeg ikke hvad det koster i sammenligning.

  • I det private er der mulighed for at få tider. Fik selv til i løbet af 3-4 uger for lidt under et år siden. Så ja synes det lyder lidt underligt. Hvis det så virkelig er der mangler psykiatere så skulle man måske kigge på at få uddannet nogle flere eller afhjælpe dem ved at egen læge kan hjælpe med at screene bedre eller lave nogle indledende samtaler mens man venter så det ligger klar til psykiateren. Brugte selv tid på at udfylde skemaer og tests som min egen læge sagtens kunne have ordnet og sendt videre men i stedet skulle jeg lave dem begge steder (lidt forskellige men næsten det samme) hvilket jo er lidt dumt

  • Definitely try again. I had a stupid doctor as well and it took me way too long to change it and get proper help. I was so depressed and really bad when I finally got my shit together over 2 years later. I begged for help and told my girlfriend to please not let me slide out of this.

    Let me be your push to try again, because everyone deserves help and to be taken seriously. You NEED to go again and insist. Don’t budge. Be the “worst side of yourself” and by that I mean don’t try to hide anything. There’s no reason to try and appear strong and “well functioning” towards your doctor like you are probably used to doing for everyone else. Tell your doctor about every small little detail of your life that is inhibing you, and tell about all the stupid small stuff you do that you probably barely even notice yourself, like constant fidgeting or thought processes flying crazy for no reason or whatever it might be in your case.

    Let the hyperfocus consume you towards getting help😄 and I mean that in the best way possible.

    I’ve been there myself and in hindsight I wish someone would have pushed me harder to go get help and insisted I should not give up…

  • Sounds like it could be too high a dose if you get jittery, been there at 30-40mg but 20mg + 10mg both extended release later in the day works really well for me.

    Remember that the way Ritalin (methylphenidate) works is not by boosting dopamin but rather slow down dopamin uptake. You still need to create the first “spark of dopamin” yourself that then slowly snowballs itself stronger. I’d say you need to take it at least a few days to weeks to see an effect and learn how it affects you. Start at just 10 to 20mg. Otherwise try another variation of methylphenidate like concerta or medikinet.

  • Have you talked with a psychiatrist and gotten a diagnosis yet? That’s a good step to take towards helping yourself, but start with your own doctor of you haven’t already, and get a referral (or however it works in your country). If you have ADHD it’s often that the brain is underestimated hence stimulants work wonders for ADHD to get the brain knocked back on track. You’d probably need to try a variety of stimulants to find what works for you even within the same family of stimulants like release times and brands, small variations can make you react differently.

    I wish you the best and hope you’ll find something that works. This forum is a great source of help and motivation.