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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • I live in a very direct culture, but that does not mean we’re being impolite towards each other. I work with a lot of immigrants from cultures which do not separate these two concepts, however, and when you tell them to be more direct, or if they are not getting anywhere by merely hinting at what they need, they quickly switch to:

    • frowning
    • shouting, or talking very loud
    • using very short sentences, as if they were ordering people around
    • being borderline insulting

    And that is not acceptable in any society. I was absolutely miffed by this many times until I understood that they don’t actually know communication which is both direct AND polite because they didn’t grow up with it.
    I put together a quick illustration to show what I mean:

    So, the people I’m talking about go from top left to bottom right, maybe brushing on bottom left, because that’s the only direction they know.

  • Right? Way too often, I see some really interesting comments sitting at 0 or -1, and some still somewhat interesting and/ or arguably good-faith comments have something like -50 because they go against the current direction of the herd. I usually upvote at least the former, but for the latter, it’s not going to matter much, unfortunately.
    Furthermore, some mods get way too personally invested and take an obvious disliking to you so everything you contribute will be pushed to the bottom of the stack anyways.

  • My hair-thinning had gotten really bad, plus a wealth of other health issues. It was only when I realized that I had been taking high-dosed tranquilizers every day, starting in the morning, that I could admit to myself that I had a stress problem. On top of my objectively ridiculous workload, I started interviewing, and it took a long, very painful year to find a new job that was better in every way. And wouldn’t you know, within a year, my hair grew back so thick that I could hardly run a comb through it even when it was short and wet. It took a few more years for most of my other, stress-related issues to abate, though.
    And to counteract some of the negativity in this thread, some people positively don’t seem to age, especially those regularly working out. I’ve known men and women that looked exactly the same over 20, even 30 years.
    TLDR: Work out for fun, and don’t ever get salaried.