• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think I’ll continue to have a bad time on Lemmy, for $500.

    Yes, Elon Musk is. Not some random car owner. This all feels like bullying to me.

    Of course we constantly shit talk about him, it’s what we humans do.

    I pretty sure that’s almost verbatim what one of my bullies said about me, who also isn’t Elon Musk incidentally.

    Just rip on Musk, not his customers.

  • I swear Lemmy acts like anything shitty happening to a Cybertruck is like it’s Elon’s personal car getting fucked up. You’re being trendy. I fucking hate that guy too but is this really funny or meaningful?

    Why don’t you just nuke every city in America because we all use Amazon and Bezos is a megalomaniac, evil bastard? Post it on Lemmy and laugh because we all deserved it for supporting him.

  • Can someone explain what makes a Cybertruck owner “a huge douche?” It’s just a car, and it’s not a eco-catasrophe like a Hummer. I think they’re pretty cool and unique looking, personally. Even if you don’t like the aesthetic I don’t understand the harshness.

    Obligatory ‘but Elon Musk is a cunt.’

  • But this is accurate. Columbus was an explorer, that was his mission. I’ve read his letters to Spain and he wanted to find bounty for the Spanish crown to convince them to give him more money. He murdered, tortured, enslaved kidnapped, interrogated, and raped people to find even more bounty. But he was an explorer, not a conquistador or conqueror. Those were military positions.

    This post is ignorant.