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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • We’ve tried this. Blair’s talks with Putin, Obama’s Russia Reset, energy cooperation in Europe, and that non aggression deal Russia signed with Ukraine.

    Putin threw all of that away when he invaded Crimea and then Ukraine.

    True peace in the region will be achieved by Putin being removed from power by the Russian people, ending the war at internationally recognised boarders, rebuilding Ukraine letting them choose their own path geopolitically, AND helping Russia rebuild from decades of corruption and kleptocracy.

    Until then the only way to stop Putin, who only recognises strength, is to fight back.

  • I’m no expert in biology, not my science as I dropped it after highschool, so I’m not going to pretend I know much, I’m merely hypothesising.

    But I do know that removing large parts of bio-mass from the ecosystem will have consequences that need to be considered.

    As far as I’ve read about sterile mosquito introduction is that it’s an attempt at population reduction not extermination. I’m guessing this will allow the experts in this field to study the effect this effort has on mosquito populations, malaria rates, and other insect and mosquito predator populations.

    Also our understanding of biology has come on leaps and bounds and I expect that within the next 50 years (barring a catastrophic event that impacts humanity) we’ll have much more control over the ecosystem and I hope that allows us to improve human life and be better stewards of the environment.

  • Well in theory yes. However there are billions upon billions of mosquitos and therefore, despite their small size, they are a large bio-mass.

    If we try and remove a large bio-mass like that from the ecosystem there’s bound to be knock-on effects in the food chain. We need to be sure that gap does get filled and what would fill that gap doesn’t have any effects that could be worse than Malaria i.e. an insect that could swarm and cause famine.

  • It’s really good, the main theme I’m getting from it is loneliness and strong urge for companionship which is something a lot of people can relate to. But that’s only how it starts.

    It goes from a settling-down mentality, to the speaker ignoring their own needs as a “sacrifice” for the other person, then asking for very big commitments, and finally resulting in that spiritual vore of the other person because of the real one-sided dependency.

    The main takeaway I’m getting from it (i.e. the meaning I’m choosing to project so, you know, it’s just an opinion) is that it’s a warning not to force one’s self into relationship out of loneliness.