• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Hillary won the primary by orchestrating the other candidates to drop out and unite behind her, when it showed Bernie was starting to win. Exercising her dynasty power (since we are talking about heirs) to pressure the delegates into a swift pro establishment decision.

    Clinton is a far right war hawk by other countries standard and still a war hawk by US standards.

    Also it is not something new to the US system, that the popular vote is not the all deciding factor, so blaming it on the voting system, especially after 8 years of Dem presidency and before that 8 years of Hillary god damn husband being president in the 90s is laughable.

    Biden administration gives us four years of progressive policy and we can’t wait to hate it.

    Record deportations, building Trumps wall, funding genocide in Gaza… Meanwhile not enacting any change to protect the US political system from Trump, after January 6 and just glossing over it as some singular event never to happen again, instead of understanding it as a clear sign of deep systematic issues that need urgent addressing.

    You and i have very different understandings of what is progressive.

  • The Quran is not anti-banking per say. It is anti interests, anti predatory and scamming businesses and anti crime financing, which the Torah and the Bible are too. Problem is for Islamic banks it is practically impossible to participate in the global finance system without also being exposed to interest.


    For Jews eventually the discourse shifted that they first allowed seeking interests from non Jews and eventually from everyone, despite the Torah being clear about it.

    The sinful business practices of the time were one of the main things Jesus challenged according to the Bible, but Christianity has always been very flexible with interpreting the life and teachings of Jesus.

  • I had none of these issues and i don’t know what you are talking about.

    If you install programs through your package manager they come with a start-menu entry just as easily findable as in Windows. If you don’t install programs with an installer in Windows you get the same problem.

    Also mounting HDDs made its content accessible to all my programs so far, without any issue. I think you must have chosen extremely obscure distros or fucked things up by yourself during install processes.

  • Again looking at the map of Germany as well as the article from the BBC stating an increase of Microplastic by over 1000% compared to the baseline shows that fireworks are a very strong additional pollutant.

    People in the US drive their cars all the time. During rush hour more cars are emitting in traffic jams than are driving to a football match. Yet we see these huge spikes in pollution when there is fireworks.

    Think about it: Everything form a firewokr that does not turn into CO2 will stay dispersed in the air or fall down as debris. This is most of it, as the op pointed out himself the GHGs to be only a small part. Meanwhile for cars the vast vast vast majority of its emissions in quantitative terms are CO2 emissions, with particles, NOX and Microplastics being much less. They also pose a massive problem, but because of hundreds of millions of cars on the road every day.

  • Against which reference would you test your teachers qualification? I would argue for that you need a standardized expectation of what teachers need to be able to do and therefore you will have a standardized curriculum for teaching teachers how to teach. You will have the same situation for electrical engineers, for doctors, for air traffic controllers…

    So for all these people to be able to learn the standardized qualifications necessary to do their jobs reliably they need a standardized higher education. And that standardized higher education needs as standardized main education to build up on.

    In my country we have state level curriculums. They are like 90% the same, but for some topics they aren’t. This was causing quite a headache for instance in university with maths. Some people already knew some Linear Algebra from high school, others already had imaginary numbers and yet again others had learned their trigonometry with hyperbolic functions instead of the standard sine and cosine for some reasons. Would have been better if the supposedly equivalent diplomas from the different states actually were equivalent.

  • Yes they are. Somebody extracted the ressources. Somebody processed them into materials. Now someone put them together into the pyrotechniques and finally someone set it off.

    All of this labor and capital usage went into creating a short display of pretty lights and bangs, of which afterwards nothing but smoke and memories remain. This is the purest consumption in the economic sense.

    Compare that with people using that labor to produce cars instead. Those cars take years before needing renewal and they can be used productively, so they are investments in the economic sense.

    Finally lets take clothes, while also consumption they address an immediate human need and are reuseable for some time, so while they are also consumption they are quite different form fireworks.