• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Guerilla warfare is incredibly effective.

    Kids love to read about the American Revolution, Vietnam and Afghanistan, or the Cuban Revolt (that finally succeeded). They’re less excited to read about Grenada, Guatamala, the Spanish Republicans, the Hungarian Revolt, the century of Cuban revolutions that failed, the American Confederacy, the Battle of Blair Mountain, the Greek Civil War, the Philippines, or the American Natives.

    Guerrilla Warfare is incredibly bloody affair. Rebels rarely live to see the revolt successfully concluded even when it does succeed. The problem with wars of attrition are that they get a lot of their participants killed.

    Who here actually wants to die for their cause?

  • Also because Biden isn’t a criminal.

    The US has committing war crimes on a regular basis, globally, practically since the word entered the vernacular.

    Biden still hasn’t closed Gitmo - a two decade running war crime - along with the rest of our torture prisons and black sites. He’s blatantly violated international law via our looting of the Afghan Treasury, our terror bombing in Syria, Libya, Somalia, and Iraq, our mercenary kill squads sent into Mali, Yemen, Congo, Nigeria, and Haiti, and our illegal occupation from the the Philippines and Japan to Panama and Cuba.

    And then there’s Israel.

    Biden’s continued criminal misconduct dating back to the McKinley Administration. Its just within the scope of his office, so the SCOTUS thinks he’s beyond prosecution.

  • Jesus is amazingly 2 faced.

    There are four “official” gospels, seven more “unofficial” books, and somewhere north of 50 different written accounts that survive from the period.

    It’s helpful to read these as perspectives rather than definitives. Imagine showing up at a funeral and every attendee has his or her own story about the deceased. Just because the stories seem to contradict one another, I would not think that means the individual they’re recounting was duplicitous.