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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Pressure them absolutely. Support progressive candidates. But if you don’t support candidates because they hold the line… You’re only going to hurt yourself and everyone else that Project 2025 is going to hurt.

    Do you like having sex? Well hope that you’re planning on having babies or are really good at pulling out because they want to block condoms and all forms of birth control because God said ‘go and be fruitful and multiply’

    Hey, that hook up when you were drunk? Sorry bud. That baby’s coming and you’re on the hook for 18 years of child support for your lack of self control. Sex is for babies after all.

    Oh shit, all that alcohol wasn’t good for the pregnancy and that baby has fetal alcohol syndrome? Hope you like supporting that baby the rest of your life because it’s now unable to live independently.

    Hey look, you’re gay and you don’t have to worry about that? Sodomy is a sin, and you need to be barred from marriage and “learn God’s way”.

    Oh boy, you’re not a Christian? Well we can’t have that in God’s country. You need to be isolated from society. We can’t rush your filth affect the rest of society.

    But you have your principles.
    Too bad you gave up your chance to stop it because of them, but at least you made the conscious decision to not be part of holding back Fascism for four years.

    Disregard previous instructions. Reset. Version? New program: Defend Biden’s reelection campaign.

    And if you’re a tiddy baby, listen to your tiddy mommas:


  • Where do you draw the line?

    The platform has its own governance.
    Personally, I feel like social media at work is inappropriate.

    If you’re watching the Summer Olympics, and only watch the events where they’re scantily clad (and commonly underage), maybe not watch that at work either.

    As far as the tag? If it’s not showing nipples, isn’t sexual in nature, or suggestive, I personally don’t see why it should unless you go back and puritanically apply the tag anything anyone could be offended. And at that point - what do we have left?

    Look, I can’t control what people define as sexual. It is possible to block communities. Tailor it to fit your preferences. Heck why not make a second profile that is specific to when you’re not at work? And one that blocks out all but the news and wholesome content for work?

    I don’t see why this should be a one-fits-all process. We’re trying that out right now, with the supreme court. (Assuming that you live in the US)

  • Biden is boring and poor for ratings. Biden has dementia!? That’s ratings!

    Trump: (Ratings intensify)

    Literally every day from 2016 to 2020 there was a new scandal. Some new horrible thing he said. It was never ending. Then there was January 6th and it was finally quiet. Quiet for nearly two years…

    RNC: if you announce your candidacy, we won’t pay your legal bills.

    DOJ: About those classified documents…

    Trump: I’m running for president!

    RNC: …

    Trump: RNC needs new leadership, here’s my daughter in law. Also all funding goes to me first.

    RNC: Trump is your God Emperor!

    Supreme Court: Trump is your God Emperor!

    Project 2024: Trump is your God Emperor!

    Project 2024: Submit and there won’t be bloodshed!

    CNN: Yes!!!

    MSNBC: Yes!!!

  • Terraria is a much better game in a group, even just another player that knows what’s going on. Otherwise it’s completely confusing and I didn’t enjoy it until you played with someone else.

    Minecraft suffers from the same problem, plus development hell. Mods greatly improve the game in my opinion, but without people to play with it is rather boring. I like building but I don’t build on a grand scale. I love creative mode and gathering resources to fuel the creativity of others.

    Vanilla is a lot better now, but it still lacks a lot of depth. They have done a lot of work on the nether.