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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Conservatism is the minority in America, and rarely wins through above average voter turnout, which is why they do everything in their power to gerrymander and disenfranchise voters. That doesn’t change the following facts:

    1. The “resign” efforts are a campaign spearheaded by the fascist propaganda machine (because they have no platform beyond fascist dictatorship).

    2. Anyone and anything, from a dementia ward patient to a wet sack of shit, is more qualified and deserving than every 21st C Republican.

    3. Biden is in noticeable cognitive decline, his debate performance was ridiculous, he probably will not live another 4 years, and isn’t there because he’s the best choice.

  • Forget your existing cloud. Your 2FA backup doesn’t need to be protected by 2FA; just encryption and a strong/unique passphrase. Your 2FA backup can’t be used to access any account on its own, without each password. Most OSS E2EE services allow you to create a free account; many without an email. Pick 2 for redundancy, create a NEW account, and set a NEW passphrase (like your 2nd “master” password). Before you transit upload your OTP backup to both of them.

    This approach is probably more secure than SMS to access 2FA, especially vs a closed source provider like Authy, and especially if your 2FA export is also encrypted with a different password. If you’re already using a password manager and unique passwords for everything, you’re already 95% more secure than everyone else, and removed the primary need for 2FA (password reuse and theft). If you’re doing everything else right, 2FA only makes you 5-10% more secure, and covers far less-likely threats (email takeover, MITM, etc). Sys admins have been raw dogging SSH and PGP keys every day without a 2nd factor, for decades.

  • If there are any legitimate future historians, all 20th/21st C conflicts will be viewed as a game of thrones between oligarchs, their cronies, and their religions — no different to the monarchs that came before.

    Our entire justice system, and all International law, is written by those who control capital, and they are free to break and rewrite is as they see fit. There is nothing stopping them from condemning genocide while committing genocide, nor from telling you that their genocide is actually the epitome of freedom™️ and justice™️. Our “democracies” will be viewed as Capitalist oligarchies that are, functionally, dictatorships — you can vote, but there is a statistical certainty that almost every choice on the ballot is determined by political “donations” (e.g. those who hold the most capital), and anyone who doesn’t maintain the status quo is weeded out before they become a significant threat.