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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Not an American, but have spent a lot of time there. They have two right wing liberal parties, and a political system that actively resists any changes to that setup. As a result, they think that those are the two political extremes, and everything between them is centrist. Anyone outside of that is an extremist and not worthy of consideration. So when you criticise their party of choice, you obviously must be on the “other” side of the political spectrum, which to them is the other US political party.

    They just don’t know any better, it’s outside of their realm of experience.

  • WhatWouldKarlDo@lemmygrad.mltoComics@lemmygrad.ml"Communism bad"
    11 days ago

    The problem with that question is that you get accusations of genocide. If you point out that it’s overblown and/or falsified to fit the narrative, it’s genocide denial. If you point out that the fine capitalist countries have done and are continuing to do worse than what they accuse communist countries of, it’s whattaboutism. If you continue to press, then the capitalist countries made a whoopsie, or it’s all the fault of one man, while communists are just bloodthirsty and evil. Evidenced by the genocide… And back to square one.

  • I had an American friend who at the start of the war made the comparison I often make myself. What would the US have done if Canada was in talks to join the Warsaw Pact? I was seriously impressed that he’d nearly figured it out.

    A month later, he started yelling at me that Putin was only interested in conquering Ukraine and was trying to rebuild the USSR (this was seen as a bad thing). I was so disappointed. He’s not my friend anymore for many reasons. But that was the beginning of the end.

    If you have someone on TV repeat something enough, I think people just start believing it to be true, despite all evidence and common sense. This guy’s analysis is just so completely obvious that I’m amazed his comment section isn’t filled with people accusing him of being a Russian bot.

  • I got yelled at to go home the other day. By a black guy. I’m somewhat used to it from white people, but I was shocked enough that I actually engaged with him, and told him that I was native.

    He told me that everyone was native because of Pangea, and wouldn’t listen to me when I said Pangea was about 200 million years before people even existed (creationist I think). I disengaged very quickly at that point, but I was pretty unsettled by that event for a few days afterwards.

    I still have no explanation. Or any idea of where he thought I should be going home to.