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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • For clarity, if we’re switching to Biden: he isn’t the nominee yet, which has been an issue. There is a whole primary process and a convention that makes the nomination. People are trying to participate in that process for representation.

    He is the presumptive nominee as the incumbent, but the public is increasingly aware he is likely a losing nominee and therefore by default: a threat. The presumption is then of concern.

    Now there’s further issue here on whether his policies, versus his personal capabilities, are a liability for the party as a whole. I think they are an overall liability, but I think a larger pool of people just want a different candidate even if it means the status quo policywise.

  • You have a legit point about the labor movement, though much of that has been in spite of the involvement of a political party or executive action. We could have had a discussion there about how much help or harm the party has done and where it could have been better. You know, to plan for the future.

    But then you for no reason got all worked up:

    But don’t go starving yourself to death because no one deigned to serve you fillet mignon. You seriously want to throw that away and put an actual fascist in power, for the sake of some imagined world where the fairy Godmother turns up to give you your glorious socialist utopia without you having to do any work for it?

    Shit why even act like you’re sorry? There hasn’t had to have been the virtiolic resistance for multiple decades to addressing the crisises of our time, but case in fucking point what prejudiced resistance there is to basic shit like housing, healthcare, and most relevantly: women’s rights.

    Acting like acknowledging failures is imagining a fairy godmother for some manufactured bullshit Eesh.