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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    10 hours ago

    How you are registered is not always indicative of your beliefs or how you vote. I’d rather see what he has said on social media or things he’s written personally to figure out more about him. My friends and family don’t know how I’m registered or how I vote (not really), but they know my belief structure and I vote as true to that as I can, and I suspect that is the case for 99.99% of voters.

  • Term limits. No more than the greater of two terms or ten years for any elected position. Forces there to be new faces, but does not discriminate against age cognitive tests should be required for all elected positions, at least at the state and federal levels, at least starting at whatever the medically accepted age where cognitive decline is more likely (or whatever the phrasing needs to be), and it needs to be yoked to whatever the medical science says, not a fixed age.

  • Nothing you are saying suggests that the manipulation you are loosely referencing would actually create the lightning rod they need in such a short period of time. Maybe they can find that person, but it would need to happen quickly–very quickly. They usually require a lot of trial and error, which they don’t have time for. That’s the problem the Dems are having with whether to replace Biden. Will Kamala be able to rally folks to the polls? It’s all manipulation. The speed is the key here with such short timeframes.

  • Evil isn’t stupid, but no one else has been successful in wielding Trump’s base like Trump. Yes, they will coalesce around some other turd, but that might not occur before the election. The organizers will be going full tilt, but just because they choose someone doesn’t mean the herd will flock. The organizers tried to prevent Trump from winning the nomination during his first election. Their influence is great, but not as great as his. Who knows. Another attempt is unlikely at this point. So, it’s all speculation.

  • The masses don’t like anyone near as much as they like Trump. I’m not saying they couldn’t find someone to rally behind, but there’s no one that stands out yet. This would hurt them in the general election, because there would be in-fighting and competing, and some general disarray. It is possible someone could emerge before the next election. Maybe they’d give Pudding Fingers another chance.

  • It wasn’t even that bad. He felt old, yes, but his responses were fine. They weren’t all great, but it was better than Trump spouting outright lies left and right that fed a dangerous narrative. I wouldn’t vote for Biden in a primary, but it seems too late to replace him now. There are legal entanglements and monies that can’t be transferred. Kamala is just not that strong a candidate for beating Trump. I don’t know who is at this point. It’s a terrible position to be in, but it seems like a Biden vs Trump race or a surefire loss to Trump.

  • In the show Boston Legal, the character Denny has dementia, which progresses across the seasons. In one episode he starts taking medication that start helping him think straight, but it also takes away some of the kookiness that he and his friend enjoy. It also seemingly made him a bit more aggressive. In the end, he decided to stop taking the meds and he says he kind of missed his fog.