If you use cloudflare to “protect” your site you are discriminating against browser choice and are as bad as Microsoft in 1998.
If you use cloudflare to “protect” your site you are discriminating against browser choice and are as bad as Microsoft in 1998.
This is probably the most likely scenario, he is too rabid and impulsive to be kept in line by blackmailing or luring as other comments suggested.
I want to make sure that I don’t get doxxed at any cost.
fair enough.
I am a little out of the loop, but can someone explain what Putin or Russia can offer to Trump that he doesn’t already have? He is the president of the strongest country in the world, what more access could he want?
though if you aren’t a communist you won’t have a good time unless you have a humiliation kink
I don’t want to make jokes but https://hexbear.net/post/4468531
Some instances block connections from VPN.
Encountered someone from local instances in the wild.
Not sure what to post or comment.
I’m not sure, but I’ve heard that some instances log IPs.
She is just federated.