• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Well there’s data on drastic standard of living improvements over time and some specific policies that prioritize people over capital. At the same time they’re not universal and there’s still plenty of labor exploitation, lack of universal safety nets, environment destruction etc. One could find variables pointing to positive movement though, as well as negative. So I think today it’s a bit of an open question whether the party gives a shit about their people and how much. And that’s why I’m saying it would be interesting to see where they go in 5 years. Are they still building coal power plants or not. How much renewables have they deployed, nuclear, etc.

  • You know, as time passes I get the feeling that this “space of externalities >>> the market space” might indeed be the case, or otherwise put that the free market fails to allocate resources efficiently more often than it succeeds. I just don’t know if there’s any empirical evidence for it and therefore I didn’t want to add much of my opinion. Just the mainstream economic view of externalities coupled with a few obvious and massive examples like climate change paints a decent picture.

    Do you know of any analysis that tries to compare the space of externalities vs the space of the market?

  • While that’s true, the climate crisis is underpinned by decades of centrist policy which has let corporations delay and evade climate action while reaping economic gains that didn’t reach the vast majority of people. The same majority who already pay for these externalities and are due to pay way more. So I’m afraid that centrism cannot solve the problems it created. Instead whoever wants to solve the root cause has to shift left and lift workers over capital. Failing that, right wing populism in power becomes inevitable, because the status quo is untenable and only getting more so. We’ve played this game before but this time the stakes are significantly higher.

  • That’s half of it. But it’s worse than that. You’re considering the case where a non-zero price would fund existing projects that need work. Now consider how much value FOSS could create if we paid enough for it so that more people went to produce more of it. Microsoft wouldn’t exist today or it would use FOSS and either way everyone would pay way less for MS or MS-equivalent enterprise products. There would be a ton of freed up resources that could go towards other useful endeavors. But who am I kidding, they’d go into stock buybacks. 🫠

    See my other comment for more detail.

  • In the free market economic model it’s generally assumed that prices of things, including wages, investment, accurately represent the value of what’s being produced. An ideal free market has everything about a product expressed in its price. In reality markets often misprice things. That is the price determined by the market for a product is lower or higher than it should be. There are many reasons for that and they’re considered market failure, because the market fails to price things correctly which then means it fails to allocate resources efficiently - one of its primary features. This means for example that something is too expensive and we produce too little of it as a result of the other way around. Externalities are a type of mispricing where there’s negative or positive effects, or value, of a product which isn’t reflected at all in its price. For example, until recently the CO2 emitted by manufacturing of most things wasn’t factored in the prices of anything. As a result, say the price of shipping is lower than what it should be. As a result we ship more than what we would have otherwise. As a result there’s more wildfires. As a result populations near wildfires lose their homes and their insurance skyrockets. They’re paying costs that should have been part of the shipping prices which would have reduced the amount of shipping we do, or made shipping invest in low carbon technology, etc. The market however failed to allocate this cost into the price of shipping, thus producing an externality. Since this externality is an additional cost compared to the price, it’s a negative externality. A positive externality is one where there’s additional benefit that’s not reflected into the price of a product. In the case of free open source software, a lot of it is priced at 0. At the same time there’s vast numbers of businesses built upon FOSS. Since the market prices FOSS at 0, most of them pay 0 and we end up with unmaintained OpenSSL libraries. Perhaps more importantly, we end up having less FOSS produced than what would be optimal for the economy. For example we end up having most firms pay Microsoft significant profit margins for their products instead of paying significantly lower prices for FOSS which would have generated the investment needed to develop better alternatives to MS’es products. And that’s the market failure that leads to underinvestment in FOSS.

    Now I’m not in any way saying that the free market is a tool that is actually capable of allocating these resources efficiently and that “something is done to it” which causes it to fail. If anything, FOSS is a great example of the inherent inability for the free market to efficiently allocate resources in many cases. You know, in case the climate crisis wasn’t a good enough example. 😅

  • Avid Amoeba@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldunattended upgrades with caddy
    2 days ago

    Not exactly what you’re asking for, but I’ll share what I do. I’m using SaltStack to do config management and one of my salt states brings all packages up to date. This is done every 24 hours. I’m not suggesting you install SaltStack just for that but rather pointing out for people who use config management tools that those might be able to handle unattended upgrades.

  • It might not be. If your fingerprints are physically changing, then an accurate scanner should not recognize a fingerprint that’s changed after the fact. If anything you’re looking for a less accurate scanner to help with this issue. But a less accurate scanner could let others in your phone too.

    A family member is a massage therapist and no fingerprint reader has managed to recognize their fingers. Not even the old capacitive types in the rear. They don’t even recognize there’s a fingerprint present. It’s like tapping with a wiener.