• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I’m sick of these private corporations fucking over all of us repeatedly and NOTHING being done.

    You misunderstand the role distribution. The American people are not the ones who are being protected from the big companies in the country.

    They are the prey being offered to the big companies.

    The companies have won. They are paying the legislation to provide a buffet of easily exploitable, squeezable unprotected victims. Depending on whether you need medical procedures, an education, or are just unlucky enough to be chosen to become labour in the private prison complex due to being the wrong colour, the companies are just waiting for you to fall into their respective web, at which point they own you, suck you dry and leave you to bankruptcy or worse.

  • The outcome of this election is either Trump or not Trump, The election system has been specifically fine-tuned over decades so that it strongly favours Trump’s party, despite him having fewer votes overall. There is one other party that is financially entrenched enough to have a chance at being voted, realistically.

    Tackling the entire election process to actually catch up to democracies worldwide is a whole different topic altogether and realistically not achievable before this particular election, so if you are talking about preventing Trump via election (before Trump factually prevents being elected out of office during his term), the choice between either Trump or Biden is the reality.

  • beebarfbadger@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    11 days ago

    You want to be treated with respect? What snowflakey whining is this? Need a safe space, liberal crybaby? Fuck your feelings! Real conservatives grab others by the genitals when- and wherever they feel like it (when you’re rich, they let you do it). A cage is good enough when you rip apart families seeking asylum! Get outta here with your communist tree-hugging fascist rules and regulations on how I am to behave.

    Sorry, I was possessed by the spirit of the right wing’s leader slash all of his propaganda mouthpieces there for a minute. What I parroted there wasn’t very respectful. Nobody should ever say that to anybody else.