• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • It is true that women generally want a partner who makes the same or more than them, while men generally find income/career status less important in mate selection. That is a scientific fact before you politicize it. And it’s also a fact that as more women receive higher education and fair pay, the pool of men who make the same or more than the average woman will shrink pretty dramatically.

    So it is true to say that as women become empowered and more able to care for themselves without the help of a man, the majority of lower-income and males with a lower socioeconomic status will have a much harder time finding a mate. This mostly affects men negatively at a younger age when their earnings are lowest and they sit closest to the bottom of that hierarchy. Conversely, the negative impacts hit women later on when the end of their child-bearing years approaches and they realize that putting a family on hold to focus on their career may have been a more permanent decision than they’d intended now that they’ve moved up the economic ladder and the small proportion of men at or above their level are either already taken or happy to play the field non-monogamously.

    It hits both genders just as hard and it’s an issue we need to solve. Our evolutionary psychology and mate selection processes just haven’t caught up with modern society. And since males are more prone to isolation and suicide, we see the affects against them more readily. But the affects to women will become more apparent in the next few decades.

    I know this is politically charged territory, but it’s pretty well established from a sociological and evolutionary psychology perspective.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mating_preferences#:~:text=Mate preference priorities,-Research has been&text=In the study%2C it was,attractiveness%2C as the highest priorities.

    Edit: Changed “lower-status males” to “males with a lower socioeconomic status” since that seems to be a trigger-word for some folks.

  • It really doesn’t vary that much by state.

    You can check all 50 individually from page 1 of this document - https://handgunlaw.us/documents/USRVCarCarry-1.pdf

    Here’s the breakdown for the most populous states, which would cover most people in the US. This also includes the most restrictive states in terms of gun laws like NY and CA, so most will be more permissive than this.

    California: Prohibits carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle unless it is in a locked container or the trunk. Concealed carry permit holders must adhere to these rules.

    Texas: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    Florida: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    New York: Generally restrictive. In New York City, it is prohibited to have a loaded firearm in a vehicle. In other parts of the state, a permit is required, and rules can be strict.

    Pennsylvania: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    Illinois: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    Ohio: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    Georgia: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    North Carolina: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

    Michigan: Allows permit holders to carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle.

  • Because after the last debate, where Biden stood slack-jawed and confused for 90 minutes and failed to fill most of his 2-minute answer slots or even complete most of his sentences, he DESPERATELY needs to prove to people that he can think and act on his feet.

    In an effort to prove that, he’s made a series of teleprompted remarks and done interviews with preselected questions. He should be holding townhalls, but instead he’s taking softballs.

    So instead of proving the narrative wrong, he is continuing to reinforce the widespread belief among voters that he is incapable of showing that he’s with it and is nothing more than a senile old man being abused by those around him so they can remain in power. Agree or not - that’s the perception and Biden is reinforcing it every day he doesn’t take real, hard-hitting questions on the fly without the help of a teleprompter or friendly audience/interviewer.

  • Watch some of Larry Summers talks - he predicted this inflation as Biden was gearing up to pass the IRA. He bailed out deadbeat students, screwing over people like me who worked their way through college. This increased the amount of money circulating in the economy. Then he printed trillions of dollars to hand out to folks, increasing it even more.

    Biden’s policies directly contributed to and exacerbated inflation, rewarding irresponsible actors and punishing responsible ones. Even democrats and progressives (such as Larry Summers) can see this.

    In case you don’t know, Larry Summers was Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton and Director of the National Economic Council under Obama (and the President of Harvard in between) - so this isn’t some far out right-wing talking point. Biden wanted a big bailout bill to take credit for, and he fucked the economy in the process.

    Edit: I see downvotes, but no rebuttals. So I’ll double-down with links to the interviews I’m referencing.