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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • A lack of a degree isn’t proof of anything, good or bad (for most jobs).

    But a degree is a positive indicator.

    The reality is that when hiring an employee I don’t care how privileged they are. I care about whether they’re going to be a good fit for the position.

    There are other things people can use to demonstrate their ability to be a good employee. If someone worked for a company for multiple years and was promoted during that time it’s a good indicator.

    If someone is 23 and has worked for 10 different companies, I’m gonna guess they’re flaky.

    However, if someone worked for the same company more than once that’s a good sign, because after leaving the company wanted them back.

    But, all else being equal, having a degree is better than not for a skilled position, and will usually demand more money.

  • They shifted too hard into the retail market. They refused to do an online store and actually discontinued their mail catalog in the 90s.

    They had the infrastructure in place, the experience, and more. They should have taken over the online world, but left the door open for Amazon.

    People would mail-order houses from them in their prime.

  • Yes, but sometimes there’s an iconic leader that a movement centers around, and while the machine they drive is made up of millions of others, that personality is key.

    It’s why Trump is so scary. Yeah, the GOP has been evil for decades. But the fascist shift of the past 9 years wasn’t something they expected. The GOP lost control of their own party with Trump, and now they’re as terrified of him as anyone, but unable to stop him. It’s become a personality cult that is no longer connected with political stances.

    Liz Cheney was a textbook examen of a far-right establishment Republican, and she was driven out of office and is now in legitimate danger of assassination by the Trump crowd despite holding the same political positions. All because she didn’t bend the knee to Trump himself.

    The GOP is also terrified at what comes after Trump. He’s nearly 80 and is the entirety of their platform now.

  • Because when the nation’s facing its greatest threat since at least the Civil War, your chosen defender should be a beacon of hope, not a quivering old man.

    I love Joe Biden. He’s done great things for this country, and his administration has been excellent overall, despite being very bad at communicating it’s successes. But it’s time for him to rest on his laurels.

    Senility is coming fast, and the Republicans are absolutely murdering him on this point. It’s by far the strongest play they have, and by choosing a different candidate that’s not in their 9th decade of life we can gut that argument.

    RBG refused to retire and as a consequence we have the worst Court in the history of the country. Biden is refusing to retire, and as a consequence we’re likely to lose our Democracy entirely in 5 months.

    It’s not too late to change candidates. It’s only in the last few decades that the candidate was known ahead of the convention. We can and should pick someone younger that can turn the narrative of “crazy old man” around on the also-ancient Donald Trump.

    Everyone I talk to laments about how terrible both candidates are. How about we swap Joe out for someone who is at least mediocre?