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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • One of my coworkers fled Vietnam as a 9yo because his uncle was a policeman before the war. Prior to fleeing, so much food was taken from their family farm that he was eating rats, cats, and insects to avoid starvation. The production requirements imposed on their farm left nothing for them to survive on.

    I am not saying this is an inherent flaw of communism, but rather giving an example where a specific implementation was flawed to the point where someone thought they had a better chance of surviving fleeing.

  • What if the actual reason for an increasing number of LGBTQ people (besides society finally starting to treat them with some degree of basic acceptance that everyone deserves- still a long way to go, but it seems better than the past) was an ever increasing amount of estrogen antagonizing plastic pollution in our habitat? Would DJT favor more regulation of the plastics and chemical industries?

    My guess is not. He mostly just wants to use some fictional boogeyman to further destroy our schools (very real measureable decline since he took office that people want to blame on covid rather than his appointee Betsy DeVos).

  • How are they shocked by anything any more? Ho hum, my world is full of carcinogenic hazards at every turn. The ocean is borderline too acidic to support life any more. The glaciers are melting far faster than our models predicted (because any model that predicted these rates was discarded as obviously wrong, politically unpalatable, and likely to prevent the receipt of future grants. Melting arctic permafrost now emits more green house gasses than Japan (#5 emitting nation). Except the worst and you won’t be disappointed.