• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • For me, Wolf Larsen represents or embodies Satan (at least, Satan as a literary figure). His ship is a veritable ship of lost souls, all of the ship’s hands are either recruited in drunkenness or fleeing something that seemed worse at the time. He’s incapable citing scripture, which would be a really uncanny thing for a captain of his day, and even curses God.

    The way he finds Hump even parodies the Divine Comedy; Hump (Dante), an honest but kind of hapless writer, becomes lost. The man who would guide him comes and finds him, and lo and behold, his guide is no Virgil, but, rather, Satan. Imo, the thing that really sells this is that Hump passes out underneath the golden gate (passes through the gates of hell) and is lost and found in the fog, which mirrors the conditions in the first circle of hell, Limbo. Rather than spending their voyage showing Hump what has happened while preventing him coming to harm, Wolf puts Hump in harm’s way and spends the voyage trying to convince him of what is. By the end, the formidable captain, much like the Satan of Paradise Lost, is bound in darkness, remaining proud and sure to the end.

  • Read the article, sounds like he was combative post-ictal. I’m not excusing the officer; it’s a thing, not the most common, but I’ve definitely had my share of dudes that would just hulk out after a seizure. There’s no real reasoning or logic to it, they don’t mean to be combative. I think it’s down to the lights being on while monke brain is down for the count, so lizard brain senses all the hallmarks of a fight or flight situation in the wake of the seizure and decides “fuck it, we ball”. This is definitely a situation that needed medical professionals. We’ve always managed these situations without bringing the patient to any harm, all while still protecting ourselves. Cops aren’t taught those skills, especially not since the war on drugs and war on terror allowed them to tell themselves that they’re the warriors on the Frontline, the thin blue line that seperates the good from the wicked, yadda, yadda, yadda. When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail, etc. The smart thing for the cop to have done would be to listen to the wife and remove himself from the situation until EMS arrived.