it was removed in the re releases and replaced with a bigger celebration scene and music, which honestly sucks compared to the original banger.
it was removed in the re releases and replaced with a bigger celebration scene and music, which honestly sucks compared to the original banger.
I decided to volunteer at the local railway museum, which then introduced me to the local model railway group, and now I am part of both and meeting many more people aswell. Both for getting out of the house, and meeting new people, it has been awesome not to mention the fun.
Find an activity you would like to do, preferably with people involved, and put yourself out there. Join a club that pertains to an interest. All good ways definitely.
the spacing between the ripples appears to be approximately the rotation distance of the wheels, is it only on that axis? ie. is it along the left/right side from the pics perspective or only the front/back?
i would check the wheels on the axis it appears for any damage or debris, and the wheel path.
Adeptus Mechanicus Intensifies
rabies shots, certainly not a fun experience lol