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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Biden has to willingly step down, the Dem leadership made it clear they won’t attempt to force him. Progressives can’t try to force it either or they will be excised from the party and simultaneously blamed for the inevitable loss.

    Biden hasn’t held a full cabinet meeting since last year, so 25th amendment probably not happening either.

    And so, ramping up the pressure on Biden to do the right thing by stepping down is the only viable option at this time. It sucks, but this is the bed Biden and the DNC made to lie in.

  • To call Zelenskyy “President Putin” at that critical moment was offensive and totally unacceptable.

    Calling Kamala “Vice President Trump” is kind of hilarious though.

    Both of these together paint a troubling picture. Why is Biden confusing people who are supposed to be his closest allies with those who are considered to be his bitter rivals? This was supposed to be his big press conference where he proves he’s still mentally fit to be president, and he totally blew it. Somebody get him outta there, Biden isn’t fit to be president and the sooner we can admit that and move on the better it will be for this country. The gaslighting in full denial of this is incredibly dangerous, and likely driven by whoever it is that’s actually in charge and wants to stay that way (all signs point to Jill Biden, who last I checked was not elected president.)

    Apparently Biden has not had a full cabinet meeting since last year. These are the people who can invoke 25th amendment on him, and it’s looking extremely suspicious all of a sudden that he’s been avoiding them, and for such an insanely long period of time too!

    For those of us who have had to support an elder family member through times of mental decline, the condition is extremely apparent now, and the administration can no longer hide it. Elders often resist or get angry when confronted about necessary changes, but it’s for their own good. In this case, it’s also so we can ward off a fascist takeover of the US. Come on dem leadership, it’s time to actually be the adults in the room and handle this.

  • lol well it’s kind of hard for them to vote (read: impossible) until they complete the legal naturalization process, but ok.

    You’re right that our politicians in Congress suck ass for not reforming immigration policy. It has gone pretty much untouched since the 60s. Name me any other profession where you can collectively fuck off and not do your job at all for 60 years and it’s considered normal, like wtf.

  • I’d prefer a world without violence. Perhaps once where our tax dollars are spent on our happiness and well being, as opposed to inflicting violence on “others.”

    You should be aware that immigrants to our country are incredibly motivated and hard working on average. Many of them do jobs Americans are unwilling to do, and at near starvation wages because they are exploited by their employers due to their status. Most importantly - research has shown them to commit less violent crimes compared to native born Americans. Please let that sink in.

    You seem angry about our living situation based on what you wrote. I get it, I’m mad about things too - just make sure you’re directing that ire at those who deserve it. Immigrants aren’t the enemy here. We’re all immigrants brother, it’s what built this great nation. As it has been since time immemorial - the enemy are the elites who work to set us against once another so they can steal everything we have while we’re distracted. It’s a class war, and these immigrants you’re getting all riled up about are on our side of that conflict.

  • Hmm…I wasn’t aware of the stipulations surrounding Nevada, that’s actually a bit worrisome. Thanks for pointing this out, will need to read up on it more. I honestly think GA is a lost cause this year for the Dems but we shall see.

    Keen for the possibility you laid out for 3rd parties to get a foothold, hoping to see that exact scenario unfold! There are many who feel reforming the Dems is the only way towards the Left, but the party seems like such a lost cause. If only a populist 3rd party candidate could get just a small foothold, I could see voters backing them in monumental droves within just 1 election cycle. Ah, the dream.

  • The gaslighting is really pervasive, and most troubling. This is not the way to combat the fascists with their “alternative facts.”

    Biden built his career on being a Republican basically - he was known as the Senator of “bipartisan compromise” who would always rush to give republicans whatever they wanted. Putting heads in the sand and pretending that we have to roll with Republican-lite to defeat a fascist uprising just seems incredibly foolish to me. Or pretending that Biden is even sound of mind anymore, for that matter. People don’t seem willing to have an honest conversation about anything anymore. Very unhealthy democracy right now.