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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Mark my words. Don’t ever use SATA to USB for anything other than (temporary) access to non critical preexisting data. I swear to god if I had a dollar for every time USB has screwed me over trying to simplify working with customers’ (and my own) drives. Whenever it comes to anything more advanced than data level access USB just doesn’t seem to offer the necessary utilities. Whether this is rooted in software, hardware or both I don’t know.

    All I know is that you cannot realistically use USB to for example carbon copy one drive to another. It may end up working, it may throw errors letting you know that it failed, it may only seem to have worked in the end. It’s hard for me to imagine that with all the individual devices I’ve gone through that this is somehow down to the parts and that somewhere out there would be something better that actually makes this work. It really does feel like whoever came up with the controlling circuits used for USB to SATA conversion industry-wide just didn’t do a good enough job to implement everything in a way that makes it wholly transparent from the view of the operating system.

    TL;DR If you want to use SATA as intended you need SATA all the way to the motherboard.

    tbh I often ask myself why eSATA fell by the wayside. USB just isn’t up to these tasks in my experience.

  • I don’t disagree with you that this is a potential motive. I just also feel that if we as the “reasonable” left see these motives in everyone and everything that (for whatever correlative reason) elicits right wing talking points we’re just solidifying the division that prevents us from finding common ground on pretty much anything besides Israel these days.

    There is plenty evidence for this person being completely in their own bubble. They lost their job, now they’re doubling down on whatever cuckoo world view they managed to craft for themselves up to that point. My point being that while we’re definitely not obligated to understand or extend an olive branch as they say, we must never fail to see the humanity in others, whether allied or opposed.

    There is no humanity in terms like The Daily Wire or Fox News, so once we draw that connection we automatically dehumanize actual real life human beings, which then puts us exactly on the same level as “them” if you get what I’m saying. They call us fascist marxists (whatever that means) and we call them Fox News bootlickers. Rinse and repeat.

  • You’re obviously on edge when your entire (self-assigned) identity is about crafting a reality where being a traditional housewife (and mother) with no husband in sight isn’t a complete contradiction. She badmouths the partners of her friends for not being that traditional breadwinner she herself doesn’t have and probably never will have to support her either.

    I don’t think she’s acting, she’s just completely lost in her search for a life she would deem worth living. And that’s all completely ignoring the racist aspects of it all. But I think that is also good “evidence” for it being real. You don’t fabricate racism. At least I couldn’t think of any motivation to do so. There’s subtler ways to dogwhistle yourself into the good graces of the neofascist circus on the right.