I say dumb shit.
I thought you had a battle jacket on for a second.
The dead pan seriousness in that " Y’all we leaving right now." is amazing.
Rocks up to a party with a 12 pack of rolls
*scoffs down roll*
For me it’s my two little dogs who get filled with so much energy when I come home that one does constant 360s and the other serenades me with vocal sounds with her little tail flailing around at high speeds.
I could be completely flat and done with the world untill I walk inside and I’m filled with joy by these 2 little shits.
Next step he will advocate to bring back slavery.
Well, there was that time Kanye went to the TMZ offices and said slavery was a choice.
There was a time when this would have been some crazy Photoshop.
That comes in the complimentary Lemmy gift basket.
No worries.
If one of us poors went around acting like him, we’d be in prison or a psych ward or dead.
God I want to punch the clown in the face soooo much.
Can confirm, they have a really good backdoor.
It’s on twitter… That’s the only answer you need.
The last line of the US national anthem has become the biggest joke now.
The land of the free and the home of the brave.
Neither of which America is at the moment.
This is the happiest I’ve ever seen him.
Nawww is the big insurance company upset that we found joy in their CEOS death?
Just following orders.
Yeah I agree with that, just some things should stay inside the head.
Well obviously you don’t write mini novels attacking people you like because of some stupid tiny thing they may or may not have done when you’re drunk, this would have helped me greatly back then.
What really hit me was after I watched this I went to my feed and started swiping up.