but when you use Play Store and such tracking applications, you have already sold your privacy. how are unskippable ads making the situation worse?
but when you use Play Store and such tracking applications, you have already sold your privacy. how are unskippable ads making the situation worse?
(dank der Zögerer und “Pazifisten”)
dit is orjinal faschistische agitation.
und unsere großväter schmunzeln nur über deine definition von genozid.
nur lässt sich die situation in Syrien nicht als stellvertreterkrieg charakterisieren.
Andreas this happens so often, it’s called UX.
how does this affect privacy?
how ist that genre of movies being called? i can’t always refer to that as “you know, the one were they celebrate death and destruction to a pathetic, structurally simple and unsurprising musical score”.
reads like a product flyer by Lockheed Martin or whatev.
not unlikely that some of the crew is PTSDed enough for suicide later. thanks man for defending me freedom and me democracy.
nah, it was way more explicit in Mein Kampf.
i’d argue that there’s knowing how things were and there’s an undertanding of it. i went through the higher tier of the segregating west german school system under the supervision of very humanist engaged teachers. and yet that system was far from being able to deliver the second.
bs, she caused massive CO2 emissions while hallucinating that one vote would change something. that’s particularly absurd with the US voting system.
yeah sure, everybody come to Berlin, there’s enough infrastructure for futher 4 million people. and then tell us about about cultural genocide in a tourist coulisse that expats find authenticity in that while i can’t form an authentic memory anymore of it to be a city by its people. unfortunately all the well-educated older germans that thived in the last century are gone now, so you can’t test your theory about education.
na klar, wofür haben die Freien Wähler bei der letzten wahl nochmal so viele punkte dazugewonnnen? iirc waren das inkl. AfD am ende +10% für verkappte nazis. bleib mal locker im Hofbräuhaus.
no, they didn’t choose Hamas and its terror. no, they can’t move at any time.
i don’t doubt that Hamas and affiliated terrorists unleashed a terrible war with its progrom on October 7th also for the people they hide within. but Gazans are not being exterminated. there are currently estimated less than 43,000 combat and civilian casualties from a population of more than 2 million people. that would be a very inefficient extermination and i won’t calculate how long it would take eventually for that non-existing plan to succeed.
Hamas has hundreds of kilometers worth of bomb shelters.
it could just as easily have been another minority group.
that is your fantasy.
remember Joe that the average Fritz laid the bar high when it comes to genocide.
meine bemerkung zur faschistischen agitation bezieht sich auf dein dolchstoßargument.
des weiteren möchte ich meine these präzisieren: der von dir gebrauchte Genozid-begriff dient der relativierung deutscher massenverbrechen. daß sich das am besten in bezug auf die opfer erledigt, läßt sich auch an der regelmäßigen unterstellung, daß Israel völkermord begehe, ablesen.