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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.comtome_irl@lemmy.worldme💻irl
    22 hours ago

    I am not made of money and cannot afford new drives, so once the backup was done I pulled em out thinking it was going to be a quick weekend job

    Then… Life happened.

    The REAL issue is the dog pissing on the mobo one night when I left the parts on the ground. He doesn’t do that usually so my guess is the Spray-Paint (I also painted the case) was causing doggy nose problems so he doused the smell or something. Took 2 days (I only have so much patience after work) of troubleshooting to figure out what fucking parts were functional after that.

    This is not my first rodeo. No, I will never learn. If I still had my ADHD medication this would have been done in 1 weekend without issue but hey, I have broken brain!

  • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.comtome_irl@lemmy.worldme💻irl
    1 day ago

    My NAS is currently sitting apart while I turn my wife’s old PC into our new media/game/whatever server, it’s been 3 weeks of different random shit not working/being forgotten (whoops, I tossed all my old sata cables! Oops, forgot that the PSU is shit and needs replacement! Oops, the dog PISSED ON JT AND RUINED THE MOTHERBOARD)

    Wife is clearly annoyed that the automatic piracy machine isn’t working and has threatened to resubscribe to streaming services if I don’t fix it soon lol

    (Just gonna upgrade my gaming PC and use MY old parts to cover the busted mobo I guess)

  • I’ll second that STL will make FNV work on Mint, I’ve made many comments extolling how much better it runs that way than it ever did on windows

    that being said RED ALERT:

    You need a version of YAD not from the stone age (so not the distro software manager version) to install STL. The instructions for making your own YAD from the GitHub assume you’ve done it before and can understand what phrases like “do the usual” mean. It’s not hard but it took me 45 fucking minutes to find a comment 5 months ago on Reddit that said “do this exact command” and made it all go smooth. If you’re familiar with GitHub and the make command: you’re good homie.

    If you have any issues with FNV you can PM me as I finished my playthrough recently and did everything you can do in modding to it, LoD and all, no issues. Ok, that’s a lie, but the issues were my fault, not the system.

  • So how would a cop catch up to someone who bypass their limiter?

    They don’t, there’s no need. They get the person’s plate info and send the fine after the fact. They can also come impound the vehicle, as well. Dangerous chase: avoided.

    Or respond to hostage situation in a timely manner?

    They can have a special vehicle at the station that doesn’t have the limiter for extremely specific situations like that. Only specially trained officers can use it.

    Or get to another unit who needs assistance?

    Normal speeds. They shouldn’t be allowed to endanger people not even near an incident to get somewhere because another cop is “”“in danger”“”

    I think it would just be better to fire cops who abuse their power.

    I think it would just be better to not give cops the chance to abuse their power in the first place since that injures and kills people

  • I never managed to land a job in the field but of the 4 interviews I ever got actually related to IT every single one mentioned that I was technically overqualified for these entry-level jobs despite never officially going to school or working in IT, one of them called and had the lead back-ens guy come and sit in since I was a potential fit for an entirely different and much higher up role

    Of course that’s probably the reason I was never hired over other options (as well as why I didn’t get many interviews, who wants the guy with 0 education if the other 20 applicants do?) and so now every time I do IT work for home I just get super sad. It’s taking a lot of therapy to undo that and it’s not reeeeally working lol

  • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWait, not like that
    4 days ago

    That’s the output of a split system, the part doing the actual condensing and fuckery with the air is outside, that’s just a box that can output the cool air. Some are extra fancy and do fan control to move it across the room better.

    The only thing in that box is some wires, some fans, and a control board for everything to run off of

  • Funny enough he really was the safest and smartest guy on the team, the burning flip flop was someone else’s fault lol

    They’d poured some unknown diesel on the ground and held a lighter to it (testing if it was tainted with gasoline, it’ll burn if so) and apparently it was VERY gasoline mixed. Idiot grabs a WATER HOSE to spray it so safety manager, who’s on lunch and pulling into the yard jumps out of his truck and stomps on the fire to put it out. Just as the first guy sprays the water.

    The fire skitters and lights the flip flop on fire, which safety manager kicks off without a thought because it was ON FUCKING FIRE, he just happened to arc it perfectly over the 500g dispenser tank. Another coworker ran over from “off camera” and doused it like 5 seconds after that, it was truly a comedy.

    If safety manager was around then all of us yardies were in our steel toes, Anti-Flame gear, and wearing a mask and glasses if the work called for it. He was in the office 90% of the time dealing with bullshit though so we 3 idiots and an actually autistic guy that was so bad he needed supervision just to live (yeah they let him work around EXPLOSIVES) regularly did shit that would have gotten us shut the fuck down, and rightfully so. Gotta eat, though, so…