• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • This could actually be a pretty big deal

    1. The Eclipse foundation has been making alternatives to VS Code’s “killer apps” (Docker, Python, Go, C++, SSH, Live share, etc). AKA the closed source ones exclusive to VS Code offical that make all forks of VS Code a huge downgrade. The Eclipse foundation is also running the extension store that powers VS Codium.
    2. “why not just use VS Codium?” (With the killer extensions made by Eclipse)
      • VS Codium is great, but because of manpower limits, they always have to be “downstream” of VS Code. They can’t rewrite any of the core systems.
      • As someone who contributes to VS Code, and loves VS Codium, many issues I have with VS Code have been open on github for +7 years, with hundreds of comments and thumbs-ups. We can’t even sort the file explorer view by last-edited and folders-first (but we can do folders-first alphabetical). Thats been open since 2017.
      • Theia looks like it could finally be the hard fork I’ve been waiting for. A hackable editor, trying to be open source, where all my extensions work, and the community can actually make a PR, get it merged, and extensions are not excessively sandboxed.
      • Will it be that? Only time will tell, but the Eclipse foundation has a pretty good record. They’re definitely prepared for long term support.

  • Theres this old experimental tool called ZeroNet, and it had some really good ways of managing shared data. You could pin websites and files for other people to access, set limits, bandwidth, etc. It’d be nice to have something similar on peertube, like supporting certain creators by immediately hosting their videos for them. Maybe, for example, hosting their latest three videos.

  • Also don’t forget your mandatory call to the doc each month for every refill
    and don’t forget to call a day early when it lands on a weekend
    and don’t forget to setup the mandatory appointment every 6 months
    and don’t forget to actually go to the appointment
    and don’t forget to schedule a drug test once every whatever-amount-of-time it is for your state
    and don’t forget to not eat or drink or take the medication the morning of the drug test

    Cause if you forget just 1 of those they’ll obviously have no choice but to deny you the medication you’ve been taking every day for 10 years. But you understand because punishing disabled people for mistakes/crimes of able-minded people (who don’t find those things challeging), is clearly the only option they have.