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JLGS 137


  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • Was the entire collective Canadian parliament giving an SS soldier a standing ovation and raucous applause, followed by defending it, not “praising Nazis”?

    The USA, Canada, and many of their allies fought to save as many Nazis from Nuremberg as they could. USA and Nazi Germany inspired each other. Nazi officers, generals, scientists, politicians, and others were given intense PR rehabilitation and integrated into Western society; many were immediately given their old positions back in Western Germany.

    The USA and its allies supported fascism over and over and over again in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe. Even in Western Europe, they set forth with Operation Gladio where Neo Nazi paramilitaries would be funneled weapons and arms, ready to strike and kill civilians should the peoples of Europe rise against their ruling classes.

    Twice in recent years, the UN has proposed legislation to “combat Nazism/Neo Nazism and its glorification.” Each time, the USA and Ukraine were the only ones who voted “no,” and the only ones who abstained from voting were the rest of the US’s allies.

    I’m sorry my friend but if you live in the West, you live as a part of a Nazi Empire. We were committing industrial genocide before the Nazis were shitting diapers.

  • Regarding huge policy shifts in China, such as the original revolution, Cultural Revolution, Dengism, and now the current era, the CPC has always followed the will of the general masses. You can see this on a smaller scale with how they responded to public opinions about quarantine during COVID, furthering or slackening restrictions based off of what the average Chinese people wanted.

    This should come as no surprise, as over 90% of Chinese people say that they trust and are satisfied with the CPC. This fact is supplemented by the high union membership, high power of unions and workers over employers, high party membership, diverse membership across all organizations, etc., that the Chinese enjoy.

    The same story repeats itself, over and over, both in China, the USSR, and whatever other countries the Western Left decries as “authoritarian.”

    The fact of the matter is, “authoritarian” is just new word in the same old information war against communism that capitalism has waged for centuries. They feel threatened by the existence of socialist countries that do well, as they don’t want their own working class getting funny ideas. So, they ignore, degrade, or erase the good, while highlighting, exaggerating, and fabricating the bad. They want you to discard the methods that are proven to work, and instead choose the paths that are proven to fail.

    The US Empire is one of the most prolofic liars and warmongers in human history. They have lied to its own citizens about more than can be counted. They told you MLK was a violent thug, climate change wasn’t real, and that Saddam had WMDs, and that was before they had coffee. So humor us for a moment: assume that these “authoritarian countries” really are true socialist countries. Why would you listen to what the epicenter of capitalism and fascism, and a well-documented liar, has to say about socialism, its foil and mortal enemy?

    “Authoritarian” in reality means, “a country that does things the United States doesn’t like.” Simple.

  • The first sources claiming there was a manufactured famine in the USSR came from highly right-wing fascist and corporate sources. At the time of their publishing, many were rightfully dismissed by leftists and normal people as being politically-motivated fake news.

    However, in modern times we now have right-wing fascist and corporate entities citing these sources, who now have a sepia tone of authenticity merely for being supposedly old firsthand accounts. And we have libs like yourself listening to the right-wing citing the right-wing about a socialist country supposedly killing its own citizens in a time of dire need.

    Not to mention that said socialist country soonafter completely ended the famines that had been plaguing the region for centuries.

    Use your head.

  • KKK police origins 93% peaceful BLM protests crushed opioid epidemic Epstein pedo elite 1000000 covid dead Tik Tok brain destruction rampant homelessness Puritanical or pornographic corn syrup Flint water Coca Cola death squads Chiquita death squads fake ass moon landing Paw Patrol MCU Operation Gladio Operation Paperclip Henry Ford Museum AIDs crack cocaine smarm snark Silicon Valley dollar fifty Arizonas food deserts US military biggest polluter climate change hidden cigarette cancer hidden New Orleans Katrina white supremacist mass shootings election rigging legal corruption CIA heart attack gun planned obsolescence globally exported antiblack racism 30 lane highway celebrity worship suicide rates prison rape constant advertisements astroturfing Arab/Latino refugee crisis invasion of Haiti industrial farming Amazon piss bottles suburban schizophrenia Soleimani plague blankets war doctrine prioritizing destruction of civilian infrastructure Laos fast fire friends unequal exchange atomization redlining death of community plastic surgery Twitch streaming destruction of supply mukbang (DLC, $4.99)