The whole thing of people calling themselves “apolitical” is so stupid, when every single aspect of life is in one way or the other influenced by the political system it exists under.
The whole thing of people calling themselves “apolitical” is so stupid, when every single aspect of life is in one way or the other influenced by the political system it exists under.
2 party system where both do fundamentally the same politics, the only difference they have is identity politics. The americans vote against their interest either way, but support one party over the other over often times minuscule differences. (not to downplay the bans on abortion etc, but i think you get what i mean)
I watched a few in depth reviews about this truck because i was really interested in it (i liked the design at first). I am not sure how this tin can passed ANY safety test, the quality is so shitty, i am really not that surprised something like this happened
The firewall doesnt only exist as a misinformation countermeasure, another big reason is countersurveillance.
I don’t think this is a good idea, there is a reason why it was established in the first place. I don’t think you know how pervasive US propaganda is, there are several news (propaganda) outlets that are specifically targeted toward mainland Chinese people on the western internet, they are directly run or funded by governments or Falun Gong. (Examples: Voice of America China, Epoch Times and many more)
people that write like this are full time 4chan users anyways, i fear they are beyond saving
Putin, United Russia, were always reactionary, how is this so surprising? He is not a communist, he hates communism. The only thing he has in common with communists is being against Nato and Amerikkka (and the anti-lgbt-laws if you count CPRF).
just look at what medvedev said about stalin etc
that is why people said “critical support” not “100% full support of every action”