• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • mub@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml[Serious] What's your hot take?
    9 days ago

    Places of religious worship and formal teaching (e.g. churches, and Sunday schools) should be treated like bars and porn. You need to be an adult to access bars and porn because children do not fully understand what is happening or the consequences of being there. Churches (etc) are the same and there should be a legal age limit.

    It should also be socially unacceptable to talk about religious opinions in front of kids, just like most people don’t swear or talk dirty, etc.

    I agree with schools teaching kids “about” religions, just like sex and drugs. Teaching facts is good, preaching (aka indoctrination) is not.

  • Yeah, no. Computers don’t care if a password is complex or not. It can’t read “words”. That complexity stuff was introduced because humans think like humans, and wanted to force people to use words not easily found in a dictionary. Security is about password length, so +@#£h&1g/?!:h&£( is equally as vulnerable to a brute force attack as abcdefgh1234567 because of how modern encryption works, it I length that counts.

    It is good advice to use a formula to build memorable passwords. I like a simple sentence you can type them without thinking about, as this also won’t appear in a dictionary (avoid famous movie quotes, use something meaningful to you).

    Fact is complex passwords created a new security risk; the written down password. Also, frequent forced password changes made it worse. Most businesses only ask staff to change passwords every 3 to 6 months these days. And web sites.never asks you to change your password.

    The dirty (not so secret) secret is that, the biggest risk to security is not how complex your password is, but how easy it is to trick people into just giving away access to their accounts.

    These days MFA is what makes logon credentials safer and passkeys are slowly proving that passwords themselves are not worth it for most systems.

    tl;dr - complex passwords are a throwback and not better than long memorable ones like 1Verycrappycode!