Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I want some of whatever you’re on, this is incoherent. The gov system you’re defending can be fired by the GG or through a DD resolution. Mechanisms to fire governments are in all non totalitarian systems I’m aware of.

    Suppose you vote me in on my platform of not killing you, but surprise! I lied! you can’t hold me accountable for 3 (or 6!) years. That is obviously messed the fuck up, if you have no power to recall me I’m not representing you, I’m just someone who convinced you to give me some power for a while.

    why do you dream so small? why are you convinced that it’s this pathetic little dribble of political power or we murder each other in the streets. Fuck dude, anarchic societies are usually pretty peaceful even in the case of zero external government. Anthropologists have spilled a lot of ink on this.

  • Yeah maybe, again though zero context and dubious evidence.

    She might just not want a two state solution. That’s a reasonable stance, whether or not you think it would shake out nicely I can understand feeling like Israel is an illegitimate nation. At this point regardless of how it was founded I feel enough reasonable people ended up there either through birth, feeling persecution, exile or sale (yep… countries sold Jewish people to Israel. Fucking horror show that is) that not allowing them to stay in at least some of the claimed area and self govern is naïve. Although I would probably feel differently if the state killed my parents, gaoled my spouse, and blew up my kid so my opinion is questionably neutral.

    Would labour MPs support a 2 state solution of the second state was to be founded in Australia’s sovereign territory? maybe made up of fragments of their houses?

    Giant fucking mess of a sitch.

  • Depending on what you mean that might be naïve. As it stands something like half of us are religious and many people who are religious would say it significantly shapes their views on things.

    It’s not even clear where the boundaries between religious and nonreligious views are sometimes.

    I think it’s reasonable to ask for a politics that’s reasonable, earnest, compassionate, and understanding. I think it’s also true that fundamentalism can be awful and used to make frothing bigotry seem more reasonable than it is.

    But idk, if someone says “a fundamental creed of some system I believe in is non violence and helping the weak, and I meditated on that in my appropriate cultural building last night, so I will be voting against the ‘kill the target minority’ bill proposed” is that such a bad or unreasonable thing?

    I think there’s some nuance, and it doesn’t seem that much more silly than standing before an ocean storm, feeling the sublime, and that moment triggering a reduction in ego or whatever.