• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • As far as I’m aware, unless you’re already B12 deficient, the B12 in 5hr Energy doesn’t do much of anything because it already hangs around in your blood stream for a long, long time. Half life on B12 in the body is something like 6 days and excess is even stored in the liver instead of excreted.

    Can’t speak to the other ingredients but I’d guess it’s all the same: either it’s already available in abundance if you’re eating a decent diet, or the half life is close to that of caffeine

  • Not even. I can’t speak for others but the effects of 5hr Energy pretty much disappear after those 5 hours are up. Half the caffeine dose isn’t enough to do much of anything, at least for me. So it’s essentially a waste. I’m sure it depends on things like BMI but to get 5hrs of half-assed energy you’d need to consume 3/4ths of a dose, which would leave you with roughly half the experience of a 5hr Energy (that is, half the difference between the caffeine in your system immediately after drinking one dose and 5hrs after drinking one)

  • Caffeine has a half-life in the human body of approximately 4-6 hours. So this means that the “5 hours” in 5hr Energy is just the amount of time it takes for your body to process half the caffeine away.

    Therefore drinking half of a 5hr Energy would be 0 hours of the advertised level of energy. At best it would be like drinking a 5hr Energy and then immediately fast-forwarding 5 hours

  • We should not allow terms like this to be coopted. It’s a pretty standard tactic: dilute the language of your opposition so it becomes harder for them to communicate effectively with an audience. Trying to constantly change your position’s vocabulary is a losing strategy as the intended audience can’t keep up. Instead, we must take back the words that are important and, for example, clearly state that it is the oppressor who is unpatriotic.

    A flag doesn’t make you a patriot. Loving guns and blind faith to Constitution doesn’t make you a patriot. It is care for your fellow American, defending the weak and disenfranchised, and protecting the ideals of self-determination and opportunity that make someone a true patriot

  • Oh boy, let’s take this piece by piece…


    First: let’s talk about the difference between copyright, patents, and trademark

    A patent protects a method of doing something - like a novel piece of code, or a newly invented drug formula - from being duplicated and used or sold without your consent.

    Copyright protects creative works - like art, books, and computer software - from being mimiced. It literally deals with the rights to copy something

    Trademark protects brands - like a logo or company name - from being used by other people for profit. It usually deals with marketplace confusion, as when someone creates a competing product with a similar logo to try to benefit from the logo’s recognition and popularity.

    So, with that said, what are YOU dealing with?

    Well, since you’re not selling software or utilizing anything from the WatchDogs game universe, you’re pretty much free and clear on both patent and copyright.

    What about trademark?

    Well, on the one hand, you are not competing with Ubisoft in any way, nor are you attempting to represent yourself as related to WatchDogs. So, by the letter of the law (in the US), they don’t have a valid complaint.

    However, trademark under US law has this funny feature where an entity that holds a trademark is required to vigorously defend it when they become aware of potential infringement. This is to prevent the selective application of trademark. That is, if I know John is using my trademark and I don’t go after him, then Steve uses my trademark too, I can’t suddenly claim to have an interest in defending it when I didn’t care before. Steve can point at the fact that I didn’t go after John and say “you already gave up your trademark by failing to enforce it”.

    So how does this impact you? Well, unfortunately, even if you are technically allowed to use “dedsec” under US law, if Ubisoft has a trademark on the term “dedsec” specifically, AND if someone at Ubisoft became aware of your use of their trademark, they would likely come after you for trademark infringement just to cover their ass. You might even win in court, but it would cost a whole lot of money that you would likely never be able to recover.

    The good news is that the very first step in a trademark dispute is a cease and desist letter. They’ll demand you stop using their trademark. At that point you can either comply, refuse, or offer to settle the matter by selling them the domain.

    What you do with this information is up to you.