Doist is very much remote work and there were a lot of stories about them and how they operate during the pandemic because they had been doing it for so long. Global headquarters are in Portugal and CEO lives/works from Italy from what I can tell. They have offices/legal presence in many countries.
Founder/CEO was born in Bosnia, grew up in Denmark, started todoist during college, used a startup incubator in Chile, later moved headquarters to Portugal, now gives lots of talks about internet entrepreneurship in EU.
From Linkedin:
I joined The Kroger Co. - America’s largest grocery retailer - in 1978 as a part-time stock clerk in Lexington, KY, working my way through college (go Big Blue Nation! #UK).
He lists his degrees from UK as BAs in Finance and Accounting and MBA in Accounting.
There has been a lot of personnel churn so it could have been a lot of things ranging the spectrum of run of the mill goofs by staff, goofs by people coming into new roles ranging all the way up to insider activity by staff or vandalism by fired staff (very common). Or it could be a failed attack by adversaries NIH has always been a high priority target for state sponsored cyberattacks.
One thing it is certainly does not seem to be is deliberate action by the Administration otherwise it would have gone fully down and would have stayed down.
Historically speaking, Rome didn’t really have anything like States as we know them, and Caesar/Augustus weren’t out there pushing idea that the central government had grown too large and needed to be dismantled with power returned to the provinces.
Technical discussions on other sites have suggested it was likely a simple goof on a firewall setting update since DNS had continued responding over TCP throughout the outage but not UDP. In any case it’s all fixed now which would not be the case if it had been deliberate. Occam’s Razor still applies.
How do you go on strike against a government if you are not a government employee? And what would it even mean to boycott your own government?
What sorts of direct action do you think could be viable?
So what do you expect anyone to do about it? Sure, journalists can write and write.
All we have is voting and that is off the table until 2026. If it still exists.
I don’t mean to be rude but the call to action of this article is nothing more than “be afraid”. Being afraid doesn’t stop this.
Firewalla recently introduced a wifi mesh device. I’m not currently looking to replace my mesh but it looks very interesting and has some security features that look interesting.