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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’d recommend you actually read the very article and explicitly try and look for a genuine quote where an individual explicitly is quoted as saying Biden should drop out.

    Note how everytime it’s a generalized paraphrase at not an actual quote.

    And interestingly enough all the actual quotes are more along the lines of “He should be doing x”, or etc.

    And even more so many articles capstone at the end with “when asked they re-affirmed support for biden”

    The articles wiggle word their way just enough to subtly imply someone is saying he should drop, yet they can’t manage to find a single actual concrete quote of anyone actually saying it, which shouldn’t be that hard to do.

    That should be a red flag for you that the article is being purposefully vague on purpose.

    Stop falling for the bullshit. Actually read what the article says and look at the quotes, note the dissonance between the quotes and the paraphrasing…

  • This is fundamentally the standard “people are saying…” classic propoganda engine that trump literally used for over 4 years straight.

    Step 1: Trump and/or his team talks about <thing> without any basis, just remarking on it Step 2: News cycles pick it up and remark about Trump remarking on it Step 3: Trump now re-iterates the talking point but this time saying its in the news Step 4: The news once again re-iterates it

    At this point its so obfuscated in layers its hard to pick up the original source being “Trump just bullshitting about nothing” and then it becomes news

    It’s such a tired and classic play its insane that people somehow eight years later are still falling for it.

    Biden did a fucking press conference very clearly stating he is running, I don’t know how the fuck he can be more explicit that this isnt up for discussion, it’s happening, stop fucking spreading some form of implication it isnt. He so very clearly is who the democrats are pushing forward, everything else is propaganda bullshit to make people second guess.

  • The constant deluge of headlines talking about how apparently voters are “calling” for him to step down and so on, repeatedly repeating it as if its something everyone wants, is weird.

    The total lack of headlines about how trump literally just said a bunch of outright lies instead is fucking insane. Every news piece is obsessed with “Biden should totally step down” instead of “dude this other guy trying to be president just sat and outright lied for like an hour straight during the debate, lol wtf”

    The propaganda engine is churning and people upvoting and reposting all this shit are fueling it.

    Its extremely likely a sizeable chunk of people spreading these posts and absolutely inundating the front page with them left right and center are part of that propaganda engine, so take it with a grain of salt.

    I dont give a shit of Trump has been lying every day since day one, we need to keep repeating and pointing it out every single time, as exhausting as it is, because the moment we get bored and tired of it, the lies start to become truths.

    What I’d like to see is the front page covered in “Fact Check: Trump lied about x, the truth is y, here’s info on it”

    This “biden isnt stepping down” thing ISNT NEWS, its inherently reporting that a thing didnt happen which is as far away from actual news as you can get.

    “This morning we are glad to report that the moon did not fall out of the sky, more on this at eleven”

    Garbage journalism. Stop supporting it. Downvote this shit.

  • Legally heavily depends on where you live, many places have a step before that where there are legal bodies you can report them to for such things. You’d have to consult your city’s help line to get more info and figure out who you talk to about that.

    Assuming that somehow doesnt get results then, yes, the next step is suing the landlord for your rent back, which can potentially go in your favor as legally in most places the landlord has a legal duty to maintain the building for the tenant and if they dont do that, you dont owe them rent and can get it back.

  • So why do people buy houses if they’re a bad investment compared to stocks? Emotional value, mainly. Having a place to call your own is important to a lot of people.

    Also, of course, the same reason one buys anything.

    If you own it, you can do whatever you want with it (mostly). Wanna repaint an entire room? No problem. Wanna tear down a (non load bearing) wall and move it? Easy. Wanna tear up the lawn and add raised garden beds? Call before you dig but aside from that, go for it.

    Most of that sorta stuff of course isn’t kosher if you are renting :p

    If you buy a house as an investment you need to work extremely hard to actually net positive. Simply buying a house and sitting on it is usually net negative (reminder that the price tag you buy the house at isnt how much money you pay, you have to account for all the extra interest you pay over 20 years, which is usually a solid +35% or more of the cost of the house)

    So your house has to appreciate not only more than the interest you paid, but then even more to also beat basic blue chip stock rates.

    Which is, at best, a gamble.

    The main way you actually profit is if you renovate the house to boost its value. And that takes a fuck tonne of work. If you hire other people to do it, it wont be profitable, you have to do it yourself to have a hope in hell of netting positive.

    So hope you are good at mudding and taping walls, cause you are gonna be doing a lot of it~

  • You can in fact sell a house along with the mortgage. It’s not a fucking risk. Finding another buyer isn’t that big a problem as the demand is fucking huge

    Tell me you’ve never actually sold a house without telling me you’ve never actually sold a house.

    There’s a mountain of paperwork, legalwork, fees, hiring, back and forth, inspections, certifications… etc etc involved.

    If you seriously think it’s “easy” to sell a property, you’re clearly way to naive to even be participating in this convo in a meaningful way, as you have demonstrated effectively zero knowledge on the topic of realty.

  • That doesnt take care of it, nor can voters take care of it.

    Even if Biden gets re-elected, this ruling stays in play perpetually until someone undoes it, which requires the supreme court justices to walk it back after a period of time.

    The only option is to use the newly granted powers themself to undo the granted powers.

    It’s, imo, the only play.

    Also this has nothing to do with being a “petulant child”, it proves the point of how the granted powers are over-reaching.

    If they werent over-reaching, then he wouldnt be able to use them to do this. It becomes a forced move on the justices behalf.

    They either:

    a. Accept the powers are to overpowered and in turn are forced to, through the command itself, have to roll it back or b. Rule that Biden cant do that, which forces cementing an upper limit on what the powers can do (it establishes a baseline that you cant just use the powers to force supreme justice acts and/or to order people to die)

    Either way, it either neuters the powers to some extent or completely nullifies them.

  • IMO the only valid move for Biden right now asap, is to use his new immunity powers to invalidate his immunity powers, as a display of self checkmate.

    Declare the full supreme court under threat of death has to go back and redo the decision, and all of them must vote to reverse it and remove the presidential immunity, or be hung.

    This of course means “if you dont remove my ability to kill you, you will die”.

    Its the ultimate display of being handed ultimate power, and rejecting it through the power itself.

    I cant think of any other move that makes sense really. It would be a headache in court but thats what the supreme justices get for making such a stupid ass decision.