Go back further than that to Reagan and you’ll see even more.
Go back further than that to Reagan and you’ll see even more.
It was my understanding that “net neutrality” revolved mainly around ISPs and their “common carrier” status. Specifically not being able to create “fast lanes” or other shaping and pricing decisions around content. This would also give them some shielding around content by ensuring they treated all information “equally”.
Based on that, I’m curious how your statement applies given that CloudFlare is not an ISP, but rather a paid for service that is not required to access the internet.
Get in the gestation wagon, we’re going cruising.
Hope you don’t drive then. Or bike. Or hell, I think even walk (need to double check that last one). Flying is still by far the safest mode of transportation.
And to those who say “well I’m not in control of the vehicle”, you truly think you are on the road with so many others in such close proximity? At least air traffic is regulated.
Military as a group, no. But an individual is still allowed to participate in the election even if they’re in the military as that is their right. Regardless of that though, close to 90M people didn’t vote that should have.
Well given that 36% of US voters didn’t vote (close to 4-in-10) it’s not hard to make that assumption.
If that’s the case that’s the i3 the rest of us need!
“web3” is such a damn stupid moniker that techbros foist upon everyone to try to sound cooler.
Are they selling an electric 3-series in China and calling it the i3? Because in Europe and the US, the i3 is an amazingly ugly car that you couldn’t give away.
Are there any search engine aggregators which can pull the top X sites from multiple locations and display them on a single page?
Please be kind, rewind.
I wouldn’t mind a return and hopefully stick of WFH after they kept trying to force people back.
Too bad it keeps getting rejected by every interface.
It’s literally in the synopsis for the post. How is that burying it?
That sounds like an Archer thing: “I’m afraid if I stop drinking the cumulative hangover will kill me”
I mean life has a 100% mortality rate, it’s just a matter of when.
But I’m not calling for violence. It already happened. And it’s not against something living, at least not anymore.
“Fuck climate change” — that’s what it says
Duh, forgot Korra was water.
So what’s it take for a recall vote?