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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • Not really, NPR is a staunch supporter of the neoliberal establishment and function the same as MSNBC or other corporate outlets. They help prop up the corporate right wing of the Democratic party and suppress the center/left.

    They’ve failed to elevate any of the very real criticisms of Biden, the only time they host criticism is when he’s moved left even the smallest amount, then they’re all over it.

    They’re also extremely susceptible to adopting the political terminology and framing provided by the far-right and seem incapable of recognizing that they’re being played. It’s why they describe the genocide in Gaza as a “war” still, describe people like Manchin as “moderates” and “centrists”, and why they demonize people like Sanders as “the far left”.

    It makes people uncomfortable to hear, but NPR is corporate conservative more than it is center/left or even liberal really. They have been instrumental in moving the Overton window to the right, mainly out of political incompetence and self-interest.

  • This interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, meant to be damage control, has only further enraged Democrat politicians and big donors who, since that calamitous Trump debate, have pressed the President to step down.

    There is some bitter humor in seeing the party elites get the same stonewalling treatment that the anti-genocide coalition got months ago (which they helped reinforce). Doesn’t feel so great when it’s happening to them too I guess.

  • I disagree, being complicit in genocide and pretending you can still stand for something is exceptionally stupid.

    Regardless, you can’t win an election without the anti-genocide contingent, so you should instead focus your criticisms on those committing the genocide and trying to extort voters into supporting it.

    Luckily the anti-genocide demographic of the party hasn’t backed down and the pressure they helped create might actually get Biden to step down at this point. It wouldn’t have been a possibility if people caved on genocide like you think they should’ve. Democratic conservatives know they’ve over-extended themselves thinking theu could still do the same old “lesser evil” schtick and now they’re scrambling to do their job.

  • The people who aren’t guarunteed to vote democrat not matter what fall into two major categories 1) anti-genocide center left. These people want to be able to vote democrat, but simply can’t compromise so far to the right as Biden has gone. Pressing the brakes on Israel support is not a super high bar, this group is looking for any sign that the Democrats are capable of listening 2) people who saw the debate performance and think Biden is too old.

    Neither of these groups are hard to capture, and the reason most people aren’t strongly calling for any specific candidate is probably because everyone understands it would foster divisiveness and be pointless. The most logical choice would be Harris; she would get access to Biden campaign funds, she’s been in the whitehouse, she’s a woman when abortion is on the ballot, she’s responsible for Biden’s support by black voters and she has distanced herself from Biden’s braindead support of Israel. And, of course, she’s not ancient.

    So if I was speculating I would say it would be her who would quickly move to the front of whatever convention process might happen if Biden stepped down, but more importantly I think people are being unspecific because they don’t need a specific person, they need “Not Biden” because at this point Biden is a surrogate for a Trump win. So think of it as “Not Trump”.

  • You’re underestimating just how much contempt there is for Biden. He’s losing to a Trump even more now after the debate, absolutely hemorraging support. He simply cannot win. He’s alienated the anti-genocide part of the party, calculating that he could afford to give them the finger if he tried to suck up to independents and non-existent disillusioned maga chuds. And now independents are abandoning him.

    There’s no evidence that the party would be split on a different candidate, the only argument I’ve heard for Biden up to this point is “Vote blue no matter who. He’s not Trump.”, which can be applied to literally anyone. Even Harris has a better chance against Trump at this point, the numbers show that.

    The anti-genocide people do not want Trump, but Biden literally made it impossible for them to vote for him, they will vote for basically anyone else if given the chance. Harris even has the benefit of having distanced herself from Biden’s insane support of Israel, and she’s a woman and not a catholic so she’s going to be stronger with women on abortion, she’s also the reason Biden has any of the black vote.

    Biden is a sinking ship, the life raft is not great but it will work better than just staying onboard and going down with him.

  • You’ve made the mistake thinking that this is about democracy and the American people, in reality it’s about his ego and more than a dash of creeping dementia.

    The man is living decades in the past. He thinks the GOP and Dems are still working together for the same corporate goals, he thinks hes dealing with Golda Meir’s Israel, he thinks he has 50 years to deal with climate change.

    Biden is just out of touch with reality and is too stubborn to listen to anyone telling him he’s about to drive the family van into a crowd of pedestrians because “I’ve been driving for 60 years! I know what I’m doing, stop trying to influence me!”