Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m unsure why you would draw that conclusion. I don’t know enough about Elon Musk to be either a fan of the man or a detractor of the man, but it is quite possible that he and I have views that intersect from time-to-time. Just as I’m guessing you and I may have views that intersect from time-to-time.

    I’m also old enough to remember the Stasi and the KGB. So if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I’m gonna call it a duck, and your project, if it really exists and wasn’t you just blowing smoke, is exactly the kind of project those two organizations would have signed on for. Neither one of them wanted the citizens behind their Iron Curtain learning about things that were not State approved. So they actively suppressed those things and those who shared them, (cf. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, of whom you may have heard. If not, I encourage you to look him up).

  • I disagree. Voluntary communities are made up of volunteers. There is nothing coercive about it. Voluntary communities provide a way for like-minded people to live in harmony. If your beliefs do not match the beliefs of a voluntary community, you are free to to argue that your beliefs should be included, leave the community, or start a new one and include anyone who believes the same things you do.

    Granted within current systems you can do the first, but you are completely unable to do either the second or third.

    I live in the USA. But I did not volunteer to live in the USA. I certainly may be able to move to a different country, but I certainly won’t be able to find a country with the same beliefs as I have. (The States with our Constitution and Bill of Rights is likely the closest to my beliefs).

  • Yes I complete my census survey that seems like a valid function of government.

    I do not register for a political party as I believe voting is an immoral act. I have no right to tell anyone how to live there life. If I were to vote for a candidate I would be indirectly telling others how they should live. If I were to vote for a ballot measure I would be directly telling others how they should live.

    Someone recently challenged me on that stance and I’m revaluating it slightly. They asked if I would vote to restore a freedom that had been taken away. I haven’t fully wrestled with that yet, but I’m starting to think that I might should the situation occur.