Call me Lenny/Leni

It’s nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at and are pertinent to me.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • One can fantasize about being a dictator and still have the restraint not to be one. Obama said the same once, exploring the “what if” of if he was elected more than twice. Neither stand by this, and neither stand by what some of their more extreme supporters have done, hence some of the people in Trump’s list of allies, who do not fit the racial image promoted by said followers. The closest thing to this Trump wants is (and elaborating on the due process part here) to jail people who either charged other politicians wrongfully or got away with things wrongfully (which makes it ironic Joe Biden is at the top of your list, we don’t know if he or Hunter are guilty but we know the issue at least deserves more analysis). Aside from Harris out of questionable association, that list draws a blank for me and nothing actually says those people are necessitated in a conversation about people who would be jailed, deciding this which isn’t actually a power that comes with immunity to prosecution in the first place, as immunity to prosecution, if it was an issue here, just gives you invulnerability to political elements, not the power to imbue them, nor does it protect you from the consequences of absolutely every crime, which a president would find out if they ever killed someone for example.

  • Ocarina of Time. I tested it out some time ago. I’m sure any game with time travel is going to have this as a weakness, but it’s just so clunky. The story feels like a weird living childhood daydream sprinkled with what many accuse of being political undertones, and while I technically don’t mind the graphics, those particular ones are weird as a glasses-wearer who is using them to fight.

    All of this was especially the case during the level where you’re inside Jabu-Jabu, which is the whole reason I ever played the game in the first place, as I had to help my friend through the level because of both the headache-inducing squiggly lines (which go with the graphics like a 60-watt bulb goes with a 180-watt lamp and prevented my other friend from helping, he gets vertigo despite his age) and because the parts right before and right after Jabu-Jabu set off her submersion phobia since you’re in the country of Ruto. Sometimes the game seemed to know how to crossover into the style of Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace, which is a neutral statement.

  • That’s not “his” evil plan (which doesn’t even include the president for life part, that was wishful thinking out loud), and the part about jailing opponents is mainly related to those who exploited due process in the political sphere in the past eight years. Which, although Trump is not himself innocent, many, many people did, both for one side and the other (think the Biden family trials, which any normal person would see as parallel to the Trump trials), but with this kind of thing never going anywhere, even for state governors.

    As for the rest, are we really going to hold someone accountable just because of their toxic fandom? That’s the mistake many are trying not to make with all the involved sides. I for one criticize presidents by, I don’t know, their policies and broken promises (e.g. Trump’s military inclusion protocol).

  • And we know for sure Project 2025 actually speaks for the president? As much as it sounds like an agenda book for QAnon and white supremacy, Trump himself has spoken against this side of extremism (whether or not he himself can be classified as bypassing checks/courtesy). That is not to say I support Trump (I don’t), but people are turning it into a game of Chicken Little, especially with an immunity ruling that didn’t change anything.

    If we wanted to get technical, we could technically say that a candidate promising to be peaceful becoming authoritarian while in power is a violation of campaign promises. But… who here actually punishes lying about your goals while president? Who points a finger at presidents who went against their word and says “we voted for a president who would address the envionmental/right problem, and that’s not you”? Nobody. For two and a half hundred years, nobody thought to put that in place? The American people cleared out a direct path to tyranny, and now everyone is blaming everyone else.

  • There isn’t exactly a single candidate in the past ten years I would’ve called competent. In 2016, every last person running was out of touch, the only thing that enormously benefitted were the memes. Which is why I often mention my biggest qualm with Democrats, that in 2016 they wanted votes so badly they shunned third party voting as “throwing away your vote”. Uhm, no, throwing away your vote is what we’re doing right now. If the system wasn’t simply a monarchy with two choices and if people voted honestly, this is a situation we wouldn’t even be thinking about. I feel sorry for nobody.