Sorry, book broke

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Tuxedo is a well known and respected linux laptop vendor and nearly everyone I’ve talked to loves their device. One guy I talked to did say they’ve had issues with build quality and bad webcam however. Mostly though people I’ve known are very happy with the product especially with tuxedo os. I’ve asked about build quality with positive responce from everyone else. I hear the webcams still pretty trash though from everyone. Behind system76 I’d argue them to be the most well known. It’ll likely be what I pick up next too, but my current hp laptop is still more than reasonable 5 years on.

    As for price especially with that screen I’d say it’s pretty reasonable.

    If you’re still not convinced, I’ve also heard good things about slimbook and personally like their style a bit better

  • Ah shit, that sucks, sorry to hear.

    Sorry on that command if you’re using lua to configure the correct setting should be

    vim.opt.termguicolors = true

    Or in your init.vim set termguicolors should work too. Apologies for messing up that last comment

    If you’re still up to trying some stuff, last thing I can think of is tmux deciding not to take the setting. Forcing tmux to use true color may help with set -ag terminal-overrides ",$TERM:Tc" or launching with tmux -2 may help, you’ll have to source the tmux config again of course. Also confirming that your terminal supports true color

  • Huh, that is quite odd. Have you set tmux to true colour? If not that may be the issue, though I don’t see why it would select those specific colours.

    Incase you haven’t, here’s the configuration to do so. Place the following in your tmux.conf located at ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf or ~/tmux.conf

    set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

    you should have to run tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf to get it to reload

    You may also have to add the following to your nvim config:
    set termguicolors

    or set TERM to xterm-256color in your shell (example: export TERM="xterm-256color" for bash)

    Though I doubt either are your problem.

    Edit: fixed neovim configuration

  • Yeah hear me out though, fuck linking accounts to anywhere, fuck DRM. That’s why I bought the game on GOG. The factorio site in no way needs to have any information on me in order to download mods. I in no way want to link shit to a third party. They don’t need to grab my info.

    I own factorio on GOG but there’s no way in hell I’m going to do that bullshit. I completely understand people being unwilling to buy because of this DRM. I bought it off GOG to avoid DRM. If I had known there’s no way in hell I’d have bought this game.

    Seriously, great game, fuck wube for shoving DRM down my throat for a mod. Lube up boys. Fuck that. 50 dollars and I have to submit to this man who fears piracy, an inevitability, more than they value real ownership of your product. Now I have to use an inferior product to avoid this trash

    If I could I’d refund just to pirate.

  • You’ll want to get the save from steams prefix and copy it to heroics prefix, or your default prefix. Sorry, not near a pc so this’ll be a bit off

    The steam save file should be located somewhere around here:

    It should be called something like “er0001.sl2”

    Find the same location in your heroic prefix, which should be saved here


    Locations may be a bit different, sorry for any possible confusion.

    If you removed the game from steam already though the save file is gone. This has bitten me in the past personally

    Edit: Save file ends in sl2, not sl as I had stated before the edit

  • Again, this is why we need per capita instead of an absolute number. We are comparing an umbrella term to something more specific.

    We need data that shows they are more likely than other dog breeds. This does not show that, as we don’t know the percentage chance one pit bull may attack vs any other breed based on this information.

    This is the problem with statistics. If we select the right method, group things the right way, from the right time, and use specific methods we can prove anything we want. That’s why an understanding of how the field works is so important.

    Sorry for the late reply btw, and thank you for continuing this conversation in good faith

  • This graphic lumps together at least 8 breeds under the umbrella of “pitbull”, which is rather strange. Sure, if you group many breeds into the same category before comparing it to a singular breed it’s going to look bad.

    Also, you need to show per-capita to prove anything here. Sure, the absolute number may be high, but how does that compare to the absolute number of pitbulls? How does that compare to the per-capita of other breeds?