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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTake a gander at this
    1 hour ago

    I’d like to pretend I were amused by a pampered white guy doing pampered white guy things and posting “everyone you criticize is hitler!1!!” memes, but it’s hard to do so when I realize I’m talking to someone who actually thinks sexism against women and racism against minorities isn’t a real issue, much less homophobia and transphobia, and thinks that straight white dudes are the “real victims” of discrimination.

    You are the problem. You’re a tool. You’re outsmarted by the far-right. They played you for a fool. Get professional psychiatric help before you can’t reverse course.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTake a gander at this
    23 hours ago

    Respectfully, you’re delusional. Idk how your mind immediately went from feminist gender abolitionism jest to violence and extremism, and what seems to be a rant about how social progress for disprivileged peoples akstchually make our enemies hate us more so we should stop advocating for them, but it’s a bit concerning

    Of course, as a cisgender white guy you’re not gonna be able to relate to targets of constant discrimination and you’re going to be prone to be blind to gender-based (and race-based among other forms of) discrimination in our society. It shouldn’t be too surprising that you see any advocacy for shift to equality in the social hierarchy as “extremist” and discrimination against your own group. But your comment is bordering on nega-empathy…

    If you really care about inequality and you’re not a conservative or ““libertarian”” then it would do you a lot of good to watch The Alt-Right Playbook to get a perspective on the regressive talking points you’re repeating.

    Relevant Alt-Right Playbook

    More Alt-Right Playbook

    Even More Alt-Right Playbook

  • Lol what? You are delusional. I’m not sure Orthodox Slavs would agree that WW1 and the subsequent Russian Civil War were “secular” wars considering most propoganda from that time was highly religious and they were seen as “holy wars” by both Slavs and Germans. The Ottomans literally were a Sharia state and the Sultan framed the war as a Jihad against the enemies of Islam. There was deep religious subtext in WW1 from nearly all the major European powers.

    Both world wars were caused mostly by nationalism/ethnic conflict and recent history/economic problems. Secularism had literally not a single thing to do with it. Where exactly do you get this “WW1 and WW2 were caused by secularism” delusion from?

  • French: single-handedly turn the US into an independent country

    Washington and Webster: “fuck you you pricks”

    French: :( obliterates half of Europe

    This is why Napoleon was so anggey bros. Trust me on this it has to be true. Why else would he have created an Italian national identity than to cast upon us pain and suffering as revenge?

  • The dominance of the far-right in France’s elections and in European elections in general this cycle is really frightening. That being said, I think a lot of their success comes from tactics inspired by Trump’s… Trump became an internet icon, he was turned into a piece of popular culture. The European far-right are doing the same, they’re REALLY good at social media propoganda and utilising social media to get young people to vote for them. Looking at 2019 vs 2024, the difference in young voters’ attitudes would be unbelievable then.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoFuck AI@lemmy.worldFuck up a book for me please
    6 days ago

    Considering China’s literacy rate grew from 20 percent in 1956 to 65 percent in 1982 (and now 97% in 2020 which is insane for such a highly rural country – 43% of the population, to give an idea) due to them focusing on Simplified Chinese, you’re just wrong in stating it “didn’t do anything”. In fact, Mao got the idea from seeing Japan’s success in improving literacy by simplifying Kanji into Shinjitai, so you’re wrong twice…

    Of course, it went hand-and-hand with the government’s education reforms, it doesn’t deserve all the credit. But it helped a LOT. It can be argued that it’s no longer a factor because of the access to education Chinese have now, and I’d agree, but it helped when literacy was in need of improvement.

    Obviously though, different characters is a small change compared to completely rewriting the sentences to simplify it, like this does here.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoFunny: Home of the Haha@lemmy.worldWhy don't you...
    6 days ago


    No. It doesn’t make a difference to the viewer that does it, obviously they seem to not care, because they do it anyway…

    You just created the solution to your own confusion. Congratulations. Now consume it

    Watching isn’t playing. This is my whole fucking point.

    Considering your argument revolved around vaguely claiming “viewing people playing single-player games is different from viewing people playing sports” which then turned into arguing it’s because of the “intention” of the activities rather than the actual result, no. The only time you even actually argued about playing sports was when you acted like sports are inaccessible and then realized that wasn’t gonna work out. You wanted to sound philisophical but instead you sounded stupid, congratulations again.

    This statement is utter nonsense.

    Considering you have no idea what you’re talking about, let alone what the conversation you engaged in was about, I can see why it doesn’t make sense to you.

    Your most recent response has proven satisfactory. I expect your cognitive dissonance to fade shortly. Do not resist.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoFuck AI@lemmy.worldFuck up a book for me please
    6 days ago

    People have been complaining about laziness in language and “dumbing down” language since language has existed. It’s nothing new and it’s not happening at a different rate than before. The perceived degredation of language is not, and has never been, a real thing. It’s natural and unstoppable language change. It’s the reason you can’t understand Old English, and why Hindi, German, Spanish, and Russian are different languages from English now.

    That being said, things like this theoretically could help to increase literacy rates significantly in populations with low literacy (in a similar way Simplified Chinese script along with Chinese education reforms drastically improved China’s literacy rates) – and most of the US has surprisingly low literacy (about 54% of adults have low English literacy and 21% are illiterate) – or for people who aren’t proficient enough readers to gain anything from reading something of such a high level. Reading should be accessible to as many people as possible, not gatekeeped. It would be far better as some sort of “annotation creator” though probably, if your goal is more literacy.

    Of course, you shouldn’t rely on something like this by any means. But it’s not bad for a lot of purposes, we shouldn’t beat uneducated people while they’re down. And either way your literacy really doesn’t affect your “stupidity”, although a lot of resources with knowledge you might want will require a certain level of literacy.