Free hosting, for everyone, without ads.
(But seriously, while it wasn’t free, having an account with an ISP used to come with 10 MB of personal webspace without ads or anything. That’s something you never really see these days.)
Hmm… better just have one, then.
On the plus side, the uranium-235 cookies will probably stay warm a lot longer than the others.
Weird to see the proliferation over the years of think-pieces on the lack of libido in mainstream film. They act like it’s evidence that America is dead from the waist down – as if people can’t just go watch sex whenever they want, without having to share the experience with an auditorium full of people. Depictions of sexuality have just become more private, that’s all.
I think it’s the noise rather than simply the affection.
Extreme mouth noises bother some people. Not that I’d ever call anyone out on a train over it, but the sound of loud wet kissing gives me the creepy-crawlies in the same way that hearing someone sloppily eating a particularly juicy apple does.
Thank Bose for noise-cancelling earbuds.
Dry Bones and Toon Link. Ut-oh.
Soong understood addiction – it’s just that his was making androids that looked like him.
“And I shall name you… Lore! Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”
After WotC overprinted cards, they essentially promised not to reprint certain ones. I think it’s a dumb decision, but they’ve annoyingly stuck to it
WotC goes out of its way to avoid upsetting the used market/card arbitrage people. If they did a reprint of Black Lotus, the howl of anger from those folks would shake the Earth from its orbit.
“Red 5, standing by.”
“Chirp chirp, chirp chirp!”
Why thank you! That’s very kind of…
Wait a minute.
And yet the Sixth Doctor was never committed in spite of his fashion choices.
I love them all of course, but mouse is my favorite 🐁
This is a good way to note which of your ports are fully functional.
“Bah gawd, that’s daddy’s music!”
Data-GPT: “If you are going to lunch, I recommend asking the replicator for a pizza with foraged mushrooms and extra glue.”
“I hope it comforts you to know Doctor, that I am a product of a ego-maniacal, narcissistic rogue scientist rather than a profit motivated corporation.”
Bike theft is such a problem where I live I’ve been very hesitant to get another one. If they can’t get the whole bike, they’ll wrench off tires/seats, etc. My town might be an outlier, but I wonder how other people deal with this kind of thing when their bike is their primary form of transport.
That’s funny, I thought Danger was his… middle name.