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 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 
  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022

  • I agree. I just fell like there were still places they could have gone with it. Apparently, even with promotions. Getting a half pip, or even a full one, doesn’t necessarily automatically get you out of lower decks… and how fast do promotions come? Once every year or two - no faster, certainly.

    And if we can have shows about the bridge crew, and shows about lower decks, we could certainly have shows about the in-between strata. An (original) Enterprise class had a crew of CA 400 people. Most of this didn’t spend any time on the bridge; bridge crew was, what, 3 dozen people, max? The Ceritos is a California class; I’ve seen estimates of a crew compliment of 160. If we assume a max of 40 bridge crew (on rotation, with alternates), that leaves 120 people in other categories. Plenty of room for new assignments, duties, experiences; hell, except for re-assignments to other ships, they could drag the show out indefinitely. The bridge crew characters would take the most attrition.

  • That article is an excellent resource, BTW, thank you. However, it nowhere says anything about swapping being used when you have more memory than you use.

    1TB of memory is not a lot, for many applications, so just saying “this guy has 1TB memory and look what he thinks of swap” doesn’t mean much. If he’s processing LLMs or really any non-trivial DB (read: any business DB), then that memory is being used.

    Having space in memory so that you never have to swap is always better than needing to swap, and nothing in Chris’ article says anything counter to that. What he mainly argues is that swap is better than OOM killers, having configurations that lead to memory contention in the first place, or seeking alternative strategies to turning off swap.

    The fact is, I could turn on swap, but it would never get used because I’m not doing anything that requires heavy memory use. Even running KDE and several Java and Electron apps, I wouldn’t run out of physical memory. I’ll run into CPU constraints long before I run into memory contention issues.

    Frankly, if my system allowed me to have, say, 40GB instead of 64, I’d have done that. I only want to not have to use swap - because never using swap is always preferable to needing it - and slightly more than 32GB is where I happen to land. But I can only have symmetric memory modules, and all memory comes in powers-of-2 sizes, and 64GB is affordable.

    Again, Chris’ essay says only that swap is better than many alternatives people seek; not that swap is better than being able to not exhaust physical RAM.

    As a final point, the other type of swapping is between types of physical memory - between L1 and L2, and between cache and main memory. That’s not what Chris is talking about, nor what the swappiness tuning the OP article is discussing. Those are the swapping between memory and persistent storage.

  • Don’t get me wrong; I love this. This is fantastic. However, I have only one thing to say: mhwahahahahahhaa!

    The last time I upgraded my desktop computer, I said “F it” and maxed out the RAM and put 64GB in it. It’s an AMD with integrated GPU that immediately takes over 2GB RAM – and I still have yet to do anything that has caused it to drop below 50% free memory. It’s exhilarating.

    TBF, I spent years on a more memory-constrained laptop and my workflow became centered around minimalism: tiling WM, no DE, mostly terminal clients for everything but the web. When I got the new computer, with wild abandon I tried all the gluttons: KDE, Gnome… you know, all of them. The eye candy just wasn’t worth the PITA of the mousie-ness of them, and I eventually went back to Herbstluftwm and my shells. Now, when I do run greedy apps - usually some Electron crap - what bugs me is the constant CPU suck even at idle, so I find a shell alternative.

    I guess it’s an irony that I live in a land of memory plenty and never need more than half what I have available. But I still get a little thrill when I do notice my memory use and I’ve got 70% free. Makes me want to code up a little program with an intentional memory plenty leak, just for fun, y’know?

  • I was one of the lucky ones. Quitting wasn’t hard; I just went cold turkey. In the past 25 years I’ve smoked maybe 6 or 7? Half of those, I was out in Singapore with a bunch of sales people from my company, and seriously, they just kept offering them and eventually I smoked a couple. But, I’ve never been prone to addiction, thank goodness, because I have no willpower to speak of.

    For me, it’s situational. At first, it’d be after dinner was the worst cravings, but also seeing people light up in movies - only in movies theaters, though. But just random. The last time I had a craving was probably 6 or 7 years ago… until this series of ads. And it’s been bad, because I mainly smoked Camels, and Lucky Strikes when I lived in Germany. If these ads had been for Marlborough, or some other brands, it wouldn’t be so bad, but OP’d been choosing my favorites.

    Of you’re 8 years out, you can do it. Especially if you stay away from situations where people offer them to you. It’s way easier, for me at least, to not buy a pack than it is to turn down a friendly offer.

    You know, I never dream about smoking. Maybe I use to; I don’t remember. But good luck! You’re going great.