Models in general are wrong.
It’s not like physicists, chemists or engineers are a thing.
Paint the world red!
Sometimes they make sense for managing mod-sets/different instances (i.e. Stellaris or most famously Minecraft.
The jingles in that video will forever live rent free in my head.
Also the sun is a deadly laser.
If you use number 4, you should prepare thyself for what comes next.
I choose to believe it. QED
People are mad lol
This just in: Measurements are now limited to ~3M decimals.
Science is ruined!
There‘s an intrinsic bias to never (or rarely) give the maximum or minimum on a rating scale. source
I think it‘s more about the latter; what humans can comprehend/percieve.
Yes, but not for me (:
Don‘t worry guys, I‘ve already checked yours.
Together they form an apartment complex.
Love wins
This was generated by btw.
I saw the picture in the other comment. You did well with the descrungification.