• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Yea, not interested in a culture war.

    I wrote multiple times that the perpetrators here should have the book thrown at them. Existing hate crime laws are sufficient for that. Saying that …Canadian cops are scared to act for fear of being called racist is HILARIOUS. This is Canada, buddy, land of kicked-in indian kids’ skulls.

    And to cut to the chase, all your long tirade amounts to what exactly? Practically, in practice, in terms of actual policies that you want to see enacted, what are actually you advocating for, what do you want done?

    Because we can argue about whether 1 billion Muslims, 2 million of them in Canada are bad people or not until next spring, but ultimately it comes down to good or bad policy. Say your piece.

  • Bro you did the thing right there.

    If you condemn and criticize the individuals you would be right: these are vile people who acted out extremist hateful sexist violence. They suck, they should be arrested, tried and have the book thrown at them because their actions are disgusting.

    If you want to make it about “cultures” and “religions”, well, you’re offside. You’re extrapolating from a bunch of criminals to entire culture and an even larger religion. That’s bigotry and “the left” would be correct to call you out on it.

    Canadians as a whole are not violent islamophobes because some idiot shot up a mosque. Canadian culture is not vile and antisemitic because some other idiot shot up a Jewish school. The Christian religion as a whole is not antidemocratic just because some US evangelical trumpists did the January 6th thing. Same principle applies to Syrians or Muslims as a whole.

    This is basic shit.

    Ps. And no, the “aspects” caveat doesn’t work. We didn’t have a moral panic about antidemocratic aspects of Christianity because of Jan 6th. But it seems the far right loves to stir panic about “aspects” of Islam or brown people all the fucking time. You want to talk about “aspects” without being a useful idiot for the far right? Raise voices from within that community, who will know exactly how to walk that fine line.

  • The “Right” harps on the fact that they are Syrians to somehow paint all Syrians, all Muslims, all immigrants with the same brush, stoking fears of population replacement and other such bullshit.

    The “Left” says that we have already laws for mob violence, apply them. Bad people who are Syrians exist just like bad people who are Italians exist and just like bad people who are Americans exist and bad people who are Canadians exist. There is zero reason to weaponize the bad behaviour of those bad people to enact discriminatory policies against an entire community. Just apply the existing law. Persecute these assholes for the homophobic hate crime they did. Why is that not enough? In fact, the only people who would say this would not be enough are people with a hate agenda of their own, i.e., the far right…

  • One major difference between Canada and the US is the Westminster parliamentary system and the fact that we don’t have a quasi religious commitment to a piece of paper and founding daddy issues. The two party system will probably never become as ironclad as in the US because we don’t have the Imperial Presidency where every election is an event of cosmic proportions. Instead our system has a lot more space for power sharing (minority governments, coalitions, supply and support, etc). Plus Québec, which is literally Canada’s saving grace, no matter what Canadians think. (New Canadian who loves QC here.)