Always get a giggle at the articles claiming AI is replacing humans. Sorry, but I regularly have to correct it from dropping functionality in a 5-10 line code snippet, ain’t no way it can orchestrate government operations.
Always get a giggle at the articles claiming AI is replacing humans. Sorry, but I regularly have to correct it from dropping functionality in a 5-10 line code snippet, ain’t no way it can orchestrate government operations.
Hate to see what those conditions are at Guatemala Bay, especially if that 14,000 arrested number is even remotely accurate.
Well said, I support every bit of this coming from the southwest corner of Ohio. We should be embracing this as I can see this as strengthening our local economy.
A country built on immigration needs to continue to embrace immigration. Tired of all this divide, hatred and back-assward non-sense.
Next up, let’s fix our education system or none of this will matter in a decade. Shameful we choose to heavily focus on anti-race, anti individualism and other demoralizing, distracting issues. As having kids in the public school system we are screwed if changes are not made there.
Oh man, as someone in Cincinnati I feel targeted. There are worse states? West Virginia?
Starting to thing Tesla is this governments Brawndo, as we are watching the plot from Idiocracy play out.