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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024

  • The main reason I’ve steered clear of OpenSUSE is its commercial backing as opposed to being a true non-profit community distro like Debian or Arch.

    Red Hat have influenced Fedora decisions before and obviously blew up CentOS as a RHEL clone when they had the chance. Canonical constantly make bad decisions with Ubuntu.

    I will add that I’ve heard nothing but good things about SUSE and OpenSUSE. SLES sounds like a decent alternative to RHEL and the OpenSUSE community distros sound pretty solid.

  • Windows Vista. I absolutely decked it out with free/open source software (LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, KDE for Windows) before I dual booted Windows and eventually made a more permanent switch. Never looked back.

    I did have to use Windows for my old job (Win10 from memory?) but now I have a job where I can use Linux.

    Next step is to switch my partner over from Windows 11 (she’s already on board with the idea).

  • Windows Vista. I absolutely decked it out with free/open source software (LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, KDE for Windows) before I dual booted Windows and eventually made a more permanent switch. Never looked back.

    I did have to use Windows for my old job (Win10 from memory?) but now I have a job where I can use Linux.

    Next step is to switch my partner over from Windows 11 (she’s already on board with the idea).