• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I own speedgoats and they are great shoes but definitely not waterproof. I have also tried a few different waterproof type socks and whilst maybe they keep the water out they are usually so hot and sweaty as a bi product that your feet get wet because of sweet instead and it feels equally terrible.

    I just learnt to embrace the wet feet and kind of learnt to enjoy it. Just plow through puddles, get your shit utterly drenched and you stop caring.

    One of my favourite runs of all time was during torrential down pours where I ended up wading through knee high water. It was fucking great :D

  • That is awesome to hear! I wasn’t sure about sending the message as I didn’t want it to seem too harsh or anything but I also just wanted to give you a push to stop thinking so much about it and just dive in and enjoy the experience for what it was without too much thought.

    I know that I thought I would “break myself” or my mind before doing acid the first time and being worried about it but it is now my most favourite thing to do and I’ve had so many great experiences with it.

    I think sometimes people try to force trips to go in a certain direction or try too hard to make it into some great learning experience when I think the best approach is to just to with it and have a great time.

    I hope now that you’ve embraced it and had a good time you will try it again with an even more open and clear mind going in, knowing you aren’t going to “go insane” and it will open up some new ways of thinking and feeling for you. If nothing else you will have some really fun times and I think ultimately that is the most important thing!

    If you get a chance I strongly recommend trying some acid. It is quite similar but also different too, in my experience people often prefer one over the other but they are both great in their own ways.

    If you want to ask any questions please feel free to pm me and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. I have only done shrooms a handful of times but have done acid probably over 100 times at this point so I’m definitely more familiar with that :)

    Have a great day / night :D

  • Seen as you decided to add an edit that you were returning to Duolingo, what exactly is your goal because it certainly isn’t to effective learn any language.

    6 months ago you asked Lemmy for more effective alternatives to Duolingo and people gave you lots of alternatives that are a lot more effective including myself recommending Busuu and others recommending language transfer, both of which piss all over Duolingo which is utter trash.

    You make so many posts on Lemmy but then rarely actually interact with them further beyond the initial drivel you spout, when you do receive advice after asking for it it seems you just ignore it anyway so what is the point?

    Maybe it seems like I’m picking on you and honestly I am, purely because of things you said back in that early Duolingo thread you made, I’ll just go ahead and quote another of your gems from that thread.

    VanHalbgott - "Oh, there’s a new course on Busuu for French that I don’t like that deals with inclusive terms I’m probably not confortable talking about anymore since they deal with genders and sexuality.

    I’m trying to be a Christian instead and not talk about those things in my faith, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be learning what is supposed to be teaching me French with weird terminology."

    I hope going back to Duolingo they won’t have the audacity to teach you gendered words for Spanish, how could your faith possibly deal with that!?

    I hope this makes you uncomfortable to read, as uncomfortable as the first incredibles movie or the fact people use memes within the steam communities. People really are so inconsiderate and should really alter their way of being to appease you and your faith!

  • I started it earlier today and it is pretty nostalgic so far, I’m looking forward to putting some more time into it! Thanks for making me aware of its exsistence!

    I had a similar problem with CD players in my car jumping due to bass around 07, my solution was using a power inverter and a laptop running winamp with my whole CD collection ripped onto it propped up on my centre console xD