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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2020


  • I was watching a video from a channel whose content I really liked and he brought up this game, which led to him making a China/winnie the pooh joke and my eyes rolled back into my head. There were some comments that were pretty similar to what you see on this video. It’s such a bummer when I find an otherwise cool channel and then they say some stupid shit about China/USSR/socialism/whatever and I’m reminded “oh yeah this is still a thing.” Feels like the channels I can stand watching are dwindling by the day.

    Semi-related: it’s hilarious reading threads on reddit about this game breaking all kinds of concurrent player records and seeing all the insane levels of cope from redditors regarding China. So far I’ve seen people claim the players are actually all Chinese bots, Chinese people are only buying it to spite the west because they’re nationalists, and there’s also quite a few people just bewildered to learn that Chinese people are allowed to play games at all. lmao

  • it really betrays how shallow these people’s understanding of geopolitics is that they are constantly making these stupid charts; constantly trying to convince themselves that the world is as simple as “this side good, that side bad” like some kind of marvel movie. And the worst part is they’re so smug about it. They post these in their communities and everyone nods along like haha yup this is freaking epic bacon sir

  • I swear in every video like this, these IOF bozos are always standing near windows or out in the open, just making themselves excellent targets. Remember that video where the resistance poked a camera out of a hole like ~6 feet away from a group of them just sitting in a circle talking to each other and they didn’t even notice? You can just tell they’re so far out of their depth. Clown ass army.

  • Shortly after 9/11 I was seeing bumper stickers on cars that said “MUSLIM HUNTING PERMIT” with a picture of crosshairs over a brown guy wearing a turban. I also remember watching the news in 2003 which had a live feed from a US tank invading Iraq in real-time, and the news anchors were excitedly talking about how cool it was and how brave our soldiers were. Even at the time I was thinking “this is fucked”