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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • ChatGPT has been spot on for my DDLs. I was working on a personal project and was feeling really lazy about setting up a postgres schema. I said I wanted a postgres DDL and just described the application in detail and it responded with pretty much what I would have done (maybe better) with perfect relationships between tables and solid naming conventions with very little work for me to do on it. I love it for more boilerplate stuff or sorta like you said just getting me going. Super complicated code usually doesn’t work perfectly but I always use it for my DDLs now and similar now.

    The real problem is when people don’t realize something is wrong and then get frustrated by the bugs. Though I guess that’s a great learning opportunity on its own.

  • I miss when that stuff was the extremes of petty arguments between GOP and DNC voters/media.

    “A tan suit!? How unprofessional!”

    Absolutely no logic to it they just wanted any reason to hate on the guy. I wasn’t an Obama voter in 08/12 but even I was like “who the hell cares? The guy looks sharp as hell in that suit”. Perfectly fitted with a modern cut while every GOP candidate at the time looked like they were wearing an oversized boxy suit Al Capone would have worn in the 1920s. Probably taking out their frustrations with their own tailors on Obama.

  • When I first saw the trailer I thought it was official. My heart broke when I learned the truth. Been playing Half Life since the original came out in 1998. That was an amazing Thanksgiving as a 14yr old.

    I remember being at Costco with my mom and back then they had tables set up in the entrance with tons of software and game boxes and I looked at the back of the box and thought “cool! I want it!”. Asked my mom if I could get it as an early Christmas gift who never said yes to that kind of thing and she said yes. I couldn’t believe it.

    I remember playing it and being so confused in the intro when you’re on the train/tram because I couldn’t figure out how to get off. I was so used to FPS games like Quake and Doom where you just clicked “new game” and were just dropped into the action or there were basic cinematics setting up the story. The build up to the action was so unique at the time it blew me away.

    Sorry for the novel. Just so many fond memories of this game and I was really stoked when I saw this stupidly well done trailer haha.

  • That’s a great point and I definitely agree from that perspective. I didn’t really mean that it necessarily should have been implemented so much as the people that actually got mad that “you wouldn’t be playing it the way it was meant to be played”. I absolutely understand the technical issues that go into it (built server APIs at an indie game studio for some years if you can believe that after saying how bad I am at Elden Ring). It was just that the very idea that someone could want a more forgiving experience causing some other gamers to seeth over it for some reason as if someone’s casual gaming desire affected their ability to enjoy the game.

  • Remember when Elden Ring came out and how mad the hardcore souls enthusiasts were when casual players (like myself) wished there was an easier mode? I couldn’t get past the first harder enemies and it just wasn’t fun because I’m awful at those kinds of games. Some people really hate when you don’t play for difficulty or the challenge. Personally I play games to get lost in a digital world not to prove I’m the best.

    I still haven’t beat even 1% of the game because I gave up on it and went back to games I’m better at. Like my 500th playthrough of Half Life 1 or Hell Divers 2 on medium haha.