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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Evidently you aren’t aware that this is how all the anti-gay republican go down (no pun intended), time and again. reality is a parody of itself.

    All men have prostates, prostates give the better orgasm, all self-serving egomaniacs always seek greater pleasure and will never apply principles they apply to others, to themselves, because that’s the purpose of power, privilege, which more or less means the ability to flout laws. Everyone figures out they have a prostate eventually (due to medical necessity if nothing else) and then, if you’ve spent your life being an idiot about it, the bill comes due. It happens all the time, the world over. It’s so fucking boring it’s literally criminal.

  • Spotify could charge ten times their current price - indeed, should have been, for nearly the entire catalogue of western music? even at $100/mo it would have been a steal - and even so, they wouldn’t be paying artists significantly more, or even at a reasonable rate.

    The model is the problem. The middleman is the problem. The service itself is the problem. It can never work in a way that pays artists fairly as long as it requires human oversight, administration and intervention, let alone all the wasteful shit like advertising and legal overhead/payola for politicians.

    Get an AI to do it right, though… puffpuff, pass

  • Just in case anybody doesn’t know, and really just for the fun of saying it, the reason he’d help putin is that putin most likely has a recording of trump having sex with underage russian girls… also something about getting peed on as well.

    Non-“presidential” material, in any case.

    To give Trump a bit of credit, I cannot see his ego being willing to suck a dick as hard as he’s sucking the russian’s without there being an absolute need to stoop that low. But maybe he’s just a grade A POS instead of the second-rate hack he appears to be.