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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • So I’ll add my list of reasons: just to visually draw attention to the vent in a neutral way. For example, to make it seem like the temperature is uncomfortably warm, or to make the audience notice something that the characters missed.

    Basically vents are invisible to us cognitively speaking, so if you want people to think about them, you have to make them stand out.

  • Tangentially, is “bastard” gendered? It feels like it’s always applied to men, so it seems gendered. And yet, the original meaning of the word “bastard”–someone born out of wedlock–doesn’t imply any kind of gender.

    So it struck me as weird that this person would call themselves a bastard. nbd, just thought it was odd

  • To sum up: we recently got the awesome FTC instruction that noncompete agreements are disallowed in almost all cases.

    Noncompete agreements keep workers from being able to work in their trained field just because they previously worked somewhere else in that field and had to sign a paper to do so. They’re a tool used to harm worker power; traditionally for knowledge workers, but now it’s being used all over the place.

    The judge SC said, you can’t ban those. Noncompetes are cool and good. Fuck workers.

    EDIT: This was a 5th circuit judge, so not the USSC. A little below that level.

  • Ebert famously reviewed a few things without giving a score; I believe one of them was Human Centipede about which he said, to paraphrase, “You’ll like this if this is the sort of thing you like.”

    There’s a big aspect of genre siloing in gaming. Games tend to be developed very hard into specific genres and tropes, not all of which are things I like. However, game developers don’t necessarily like to be categorized that way, so the way things are marketed can get very muddled. I like games that are the sort of thing that I like, and when creators are actively working against me finding out what kind of game they made, I don’t always know what games are a good match for my tastes.

    Then add to that: Often games will get very high ratings because the niche of players they cater to thinks the game is sitting near the apex of that niche–and nobody outside the niche is playing that game. But if that niche is, say, visual novels (which bore me to death), I’m not going to like a game. The high rating is, to me, a false signal.

    But this is where curators can help! The fact that it’s a specific person with that specific person’s tastes is good if I happen to share those tastes. It helps me to avoid high-rated games that don’t contain the elements I enjoy in a game; and to find the games that cater to my tastes but aren’t marketed in a way that I recognize.