I really want to learn Toaq, but I haven’t find a way to make it stick in my head, for some reason.
I really want to learn Toaq, but I haven’t find a way to make it stick in my head, for some reason.
Romantically Apocalyptic sticks out in my mind.
The bad guy that is omniscient and omnipresent. Everywhere you go, oops! There’s the bad guy and he totally kicks your ass and ruins your plans.
We call it Neganing. He’s the reason I eventually stopped watching the Walking Dead.
Or like Sylar (from Heroes), where the writers find a baddie they just love too much to kill so the whole show becomes about them.
Or maybe it’s to keep you from sealing your drink and having it later. No cap means you finish it or dump it so you have to buy another.
I’ve never heard that take on it before (the idea of turning time into space), but it sounds fascinating. Do you have any links I could follow up on?
If he really works on it, I bet he can stay younger than Trump for the rest of his life.
Indie movie about a grandma that gets scammed and fights back. Funny and cute. Really good if you like that stuff. Based on a true story.
The Wave (about a landslide in a fjord) is one of my favorite disaster movies.
The Quake (the sequel) is almost as good.
Hopefully hyprland gets into the official repos soon. I installed it and now xbps won’t update because of version conflicts with wlroots.
Amazing resource, thanks!